Vitamin B12 Deficiency is serious !!

5 Aug 2022

Are you on a plant-based diet? or a Vegan ?

Do you know today 60% of population today are suffering from B12 deficiency? 

Due to lack of protein intake is the reason for it ?

Depression, Hair loss, Poor memory, Anxiety are mild symptoms to state you are suffering from B12 deficiency.

Recommended intake of B12 should be  2.4 mcg per day, although vegetarians who eat eggs, dairy food B12 is too low in the foods hence adding beans/nuts/peas would be a better choice.

Food that are rich in B12 are Meat, Fish, Chicken, Shellfish good part is our adult liver can store this B12 Vitamin upto 1-5 years in our body.

Raised homocysteine in blood is an early indication of B12 deficiency causing alzherimer's and affecting central nervous system in long run.

Most of us, tend to ignore these early indications but being mindful on food-intake, taking regular health checks can help you protect your health before it's too late.

After all, "Health is our primary wealth"

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