Solana's SOL surpasses $100, extending the month's bull run.

27 Dec 2023

SOL, the native token of the Solana blockchain, surpassed $100 on Saturday, reaching a price level not seen since the eve of Terra's collapse a year and a half ago. At the time of publication, SOL was worth about $102 per coin. According to Coinmarketcap, its value has more than tenfold increased in 2023 and is up over 70% in December alone. Saturday's price action concluded weeks of frenetic trading that temporarily catapulted the Solana blockchain to the top of the on-chain activity leaderboard. According to DefiLlama, Solana-based decentralized exchanges are closing in on Uniswap's multibillion-dollar trading volumes for the first time.
Much of that enthusiasm is being fuelled by uncontrolled conjecture. Dog-themed meme currencies are among the most popular crypto assets being traded on Solana right now. However, airdrops are also causing a flood of traders to try out Solana-based lenders, bridges, and other infrastructure.

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