Hedera Wallet Snap Launches, Connects 30 Million MetaMask U

26 Jan 2024

Bridging Hedera’s Decentralized Identity with MetaMask’s Extensive User Base


Exciting news for MetaMask’s 30 million users: Tuum Technologies launches the groundbreaking Hedera Wallet Snap! This innovative plugin bridges the Hedera network and MetaMask, unleashing new possibilities. Now, users can enjoy enhanced functionality beyond MetaMask’s native features. Moreover, developers can easily integrate Hedera’s advanced features into their MetaMask-based applications. This launch marks a significant step in decentralized wallet technology, promising a more streamlined and powerful user experience.

Hedera Wallet Snap: Enhancing MetaMask’s Capabilities

What It Offers

The Hedera Wallet Snap, a sophisticated plugin, extends MetaMask’s native functionality, allowing users to interact natively with Hedera Hashgraph. This eliminates the need for Hedera JSON-RPC Relay, streamlining the process for users who wish to manage HBAR transactions and account information directly through MetaMask.

Features at a Glance

  • User Control: Allows users to send HBAR to both HBAR account IDs and EVM addresses, retrieve account information from Hedera Ledger and Mirror nodes, view HBAR and token balances, and import Hedera accounts.
  • Developer-Friendly: The plugin can be installed as a JavaScript NPM package, offering developers advanced native Hedera features for integration into web applications.
  • MetaMask Snaps: As part of MetaMask’s plugin system, it fosters a customizable and extensible wallet experience, promoting innovation in the blockchain ecosystem.

Tuum Technologies: Pioneering Decentralized Identity

Identity Snap for Decentralized Identity

In addition to the Wallet Snap, Tuum Technologies has introduced the Identity Snap for MetaMask, focusing on Digital Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs) on the Hedera network. This aligns with the growing demand for self-sovereign identity (SSI), a cornerstone of the Web3 vision, enabling users to control their data in the digital world.T

The Importance of Tooling
Tuum Technologies recognizes the need for proper tooling in the blockchain industry to handle unverified data and limited capabilities. Their efforts aim to provide reliable solutions for AI/ML, leveraging the Hedera network’s scalability and robust infrastructure.

The HBAR Foundation’s Role in Hedera’s Growth

The HBAR Foundation actively drives innovation across the Hedera network. It focuses on enhancing the Hedera ecosystem through strategic funding and resource allocation.

Strategic Focus Areas

The Foundation targets four key areas:

  1. Crypto Economy: Here, the focus is on fostering value creation and movement on the blockchain.
  2. Fintech & Payments: This area improves efficient value exchange and tokenization in financial sectors.
  3. Consumer Engagement: The aim is to deliver high-quality Web3 experiences, connecting brands with digital natives.
  4. Sustainable Impact: The Foundation uses blockchain for transparent and efficient climate markets.

In 2023, the Foundation strategically invested $16M across 68 grants. This marked a decrease from the previous year, reflecting a more mature, focused approach. The goal was to nurture existing grants and concentrate on key sectors like infrastructure, media, and entertainment.

Sustainable Impact Fund

The Foundation launched a $100 million Sustainable Impact Fund. This fund invests in Hedera-based solutions for sustainable development. It seeks to make climate finance auditable and democratize access to climate finance, enhancing transparency and efficiency.

Commitment to the Metaverse

The Foundation recently announced a $250 million venture fund for the metaverse. This fund aims to attract business-to-consumer and business-to-business-to-consumer projects, focusing on gaming and entertainment. The goal is to integrate more users into Hedera’s Web 3 ecosystem.

Grant Program and Network Growth

In 2023, the Foundation received 575 grant applications, a decrease due to market conditions. However, its efforts led to significant growth in the Hedera network. Over 106 products, services, and use cases launched, and the network processed over 30 billion transactions. This demonstrates the Foundation’s substantial impact on network activity and growth.

Future Outlook

The HBAR Foundation continues to refine its strategies and funding decisions. It remains dedicated to ensuring the Hedera ecosystem thrives with quality projects. The Foundation’s focus on data and analytics, especially through Project Insight, will be crucial in shaping its future strategies and funding allocations.

User and Developer Accessibility

The Hedera Wallet Snap is designed to be accessible globally, catering to both individual users and developers. It emphasizes user empowerment through Self-Sovereign Identity, allowing users to manage their digital identities efficiently.


The launch of the Hedera Wallet Snap by Tuum Technologies represents a significant leap in blockchain wallet technology. It not only enhances MetaMask’s capabilities but also broadens the scope of decentralized identity management. As we witness the continuous evolution of blockchain technology, initiatives like these are pivotal in shaping a more interconnected and user-empowered digital world. We invite our readers to share their thoughts and experiences with this new technology in the comments below.
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