Oasis Network-ROSE ?

22 Feb 2024

Exploring the Oasis Network and the ROSE Token: A New Era of Privacy and Scalability in Blockchain


In the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology, the Oasis Network stands out as a pioneering platform that promises to address some of the most pressing issues in the industry: privacy, scalability, and usability. At the heart of this privacy-centric blockchain is the ROSE token, which not only fuels the network but also embodies the principles of secure, decentralized finance (DeFi). This article delves into the intricacies of the Oasis Network and the utility of the ROSE token within its ecosystem.

The Oasis Network: A Primer

The Oasis Network is a Layer 1, proof-of-stake blockchain designed with a unique two-layer structure that separates consensus and execution. This architecture enables the network to process transactions efficiently and scale effectively without compromising security. The network's approach to privacy through confidential smart contracts sets it apart, allowing data to remain private while being processed—a feature that has significant implications for DeFi and beyond.

Privacy at Its Core

One of the most notable features of the Oasis Network is its commitment to privacy. By enabling confidential smart contracts, the network allows users to keep their data private, a key consideration for individuals and enterprises wary of exposing sensitive information on a public ledger. This capability opens up new opportunities for privacy-preserving applications in finance, healthcare, and other sectors that handle confidential data.

Oasis Network: A New Era for Scalable and Private DeFi

The Oasis Network is a groundbreaking platform that stands at the forefront of blockchain innovation, with its dual-layered structure consisting of the consensus layer and the ParaTime layer. This unique design is not only a testament to the network's commitment to scalability and versatility but also a reflection of its potential to revolutionize the DeFi space.

Scalability Through Layer Separation

At the heart of the Oasis Network's architecture is the separation of consensus and execution. By dividing these two critical functions into distinct layers, the network achieves a level of scalability that is unmatched by traditional blockchain systems. Multiple ParaTimes operate in parallel, processing transactions independently, ensuring that complex operations on one ParaTime do not impede the performance of simpler transactions on another.

Decentralization and Customization with ParaTimes

The decentralized nature of the ParaTime layer is a key feature of the Oasis Network. It empowers developers to create their own ParaTimes, tailored to the specific needs of various applications. This could range from confidential computation to specialized governance structures. The network's advanced discrepancy detection system offers a more efficient alternative to sharding and parachains, maintaining high security with a lower replication factor.

Three Core ParaTimes: Emerald, Cipher, and Sapphire

The Oasis core team has contributed three significant ParaTimes to the ecosystem:

Emerald ParaTime :

Focused on addressing the challenges faced by Solidity developers, such as high fees and low throughput, Emerald ParaTime increases transaction speeds to 1,000 per second and slashes fees by over 99% compared to Ethereum, making the network more accessible for users and developers.

Cipher ParaTime :

Known for its privacy-preserving capabilities, Cipher ParaTime offers high throughput, instant finality, and minimal fees with the added benefit of confidential smart contract execution. It is particularly advantageous for DEXs to prevent front-running and for NFT users to maintain asset privacy.

Sapphire ParaTime :

The latest addition, Sapphire ParaTime, brings confidential computation to EVM-compatible smart contracts, allowing developers to seamlessly integrate privacy features into their dApps without significant changes to the existing code.

New Horizons for DeFi

The DeFi market, still in its nascent stages, is poised for explosive growth. However, its expansion is currently hindered by privacy concerns, security vulnerabilities, and prohibitive fees. The Oasis Network is perfectly positioned to address these issues with its scalable infrastructure, low gas fees, and high throughput capabilities.

Confidential smart contracts on the Oasis Network offer a new level of privacy for DeFi applications, enabling innovative use cases such as under-collateralized lending and the prevention of transaction order manipulation. The network's ability to maintain data confidentiality throughout the transaction process is expected to attract a mainstream audience to DeFi, expanding the market beyond its current limitations.

The Oasis Network's technological advancements present a compelling vision for the future of DeFi. By providing a scalable, private, and efficient platform, it sets the stage for the next wave of financial innovation. As the network continues to evolve and its community grows, the Oasis Network is on track to become the preeminent choice for developers and users seeking a more secure, private, and accessible DeFi experience.

ROSE Token: The Network's Lifeline

The ROSE token is the native cryptocurrency of the Oasis Network, with a capped supply of 10 billion tokens. It serves several critical functions within the ecosystem:

Transaction Fees:

ROSE is used to pay for transaction fees on the network, incentivizing validators and delegators to process and secure transactions.


The token is staked by validators and delegators to participate in the network's consensus mechanism, with staking rewards distributed to secure the network's integrity.


ROSE holders can delegate their tokens to validators, contributing to the network's security and earning a share of the staking rewards.
Token Distribution and Staking Incentives

The distribution of ROSE tokens is carefully designed to encourage participation and secure the network. Approximately 1.5 billion tokens were in circulation at launch, with the rest subject to release schedules and staking rewards. The network offers staking rewards between 2.0% to 20.0%, depending on various factors, including the length of staking. Validators and delegators are incentivized to maintain network security through a balanced reward and slashing mechanism.

Governance and Future Developments

The Oasis Network is governed by its community, with ROSE token holders having a say in the future direction of the platform. The network's governance model allows for proposals and voting, ensuring that the ecosystem evolves in a way that aligns with the interests of its stakeholders.


The Oasis Network represents a significant step forward for blockchain technology, with its emphasis on privacy, scalability, and a sustainable token economy. The ROSE token is at the core of this innovative platform, providing the necessary incentives for users to participate in and secure the network. As the world increasingly recognizes the importance of data privacy and the potential of DeFi, the Oasis Network and the ROSE token are well-positioned to play a pivotal role in the future of blockchain.



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