Crypto friendly countries

3 Aug 2023

It's important to have a goal.
I mean a goal in our life, at least I heard something like that some days ago, and although I'm not a specialist at giving life advice, this one seems to be a clever sentence.
I wonder, what goal I can reach... waiting till the end of my working shift to have a beer or two sounds reasonable.
Well, that's it for my capabilities right now... shit I think I have to find something more ambitious.
Traveling, yes, a trip around the world, meeting new people from a very different culture, and exploring unknown places, looks like a pretty impressive activity.
Of course, to travel, I will need a lot of money, and briefly look at my bank account depriving myself of any illusions.
If only I could do something with my crypto savings...
Yes, I can, just got to find some countries, where cryptocurrency is adopted and visit them.
First thought, Salvador - this country made Bitcoin a legal tender in September 2021, meaning shops and other businesses are obligated to accept it as payment to settle debts unless they lack the technological means. All I need is to have a Lightning Network wallet, to make quick transactions.
The hindrance is that Salvador lies far away from my country, and what's more, it doesn't look very safe, so I got found some other crypto-friendly countries.
In my big neighbor, Germany, although cryptocurrency is not a legal tender there, it's rather considered as a stock or commodity, there are a lot of businesses that accept cryptos as payment.
What's more, there are quite a lot of Bitcoin ATMs where I can change it for cash, and if it is under 600€ volume there is no need to pay tax.
Then I can go to the south, to the mountainous region of Europe, and visit Switzerland.
In this country, cryptocurrencies are classified as assets, and Bitcoins are recognized as legal tender in some locations.
Especially the city of Zug is known as the “Crypto Valley” - a crypto hub with blockchain startups, enterprises, shops, and entrepreneurs. Crypto investors benefit from a tax-free environment in this crypto valley. It was the first place in the world to accept Bitcoin payments in 2016.

A little farther there is a next small country, Luxembourg, I can read that one regards cryptocurrency as a legitimate currency. There are no restrictions against trading with cryptocurrencies or using them within its (Luxembourg's) borders.

I see so many places that accept cryptos in Europe and wish to be there.
But, ok, it's enough of my daydreaming for now, I got to go to work, mining the FIAT cash.
However, this subject will be continued in the next articles.



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