16 Mar 2024

Time is one thing you will not always have. The fact that there is a time for everything also implies that there is a season for everything, under the sun.

A typical example can be drawn from the working cycle of a farmer. A farmer who is serious with his profession would be vigilant enough to do the needful during the attending seasons of the year.

The pre-planting and planting seasons as well as the post planting season each come with their specific requirements that must be satisfied chronologically. Imagine a scenario where a farmer jumps to planting activities without first satisfying the requirements of the pre-planting season, you can safely bet that his case would end up in a town hall, different, from bala.

The same principles guard our progression in life. There is a time to clear off distractions, followed by the time to plant good seeds of progressive investment, and also a time to enjoy the dividends of the constructive labours. The chronological pattern must be adhered to as any attempt to cut corners will definitely result in a predictable end of frustration and uncertainty.

The same twenty-four hours is available to everyone and how life turns out for each individual, to a large extent depends on the type of seeds he or she sows during the planting season of his or her life.
The clock is ticking.

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