GAIMIN: Boosting AI and Web3 Gaming To Unlock The Power of Gamers

6 Mar 2024

Hello Seedify Community
Imagine a world where your passion for gaming doesn’t just entertain you but fuels advancements in technology and rewards you directly.
Welcome to GAIMIN’s innovative technology, where gamers unite to create a supercomputer in the cloud, unlock exciting possibilities, earn rewards, and shape the future of Web3 gaming.
Developers can also access this computing power at a fraction of the cost of traditional cloud providers, allowing them to create more creative and demanding games.
Let’s put it in perspective with some interesting statistics:
There are over 2 billion monthly active Instagram users, with over 90% posting videos. Over 650 million Tweets are sent daily, and 42 million WhatsApp messages are exchanged; this amount of online activity generates significant computing power.
In the words of Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO, “The world is rapidly running out of the computing processing power needed to tackle advanced problems and power our most sophisticated technology”.
This article contains additional details about:

The Problem: The Growing Hunger for Processing Power
The digital revolution has resulted in a substantial increase in data, and the growing demand for information and advanced technologies is challenging conventional data centres.
Tasks such as Artificial Intelligence, complex simulations, and massive amounts of research require significant processing power, contributing to a notable global shortage.
This restricted capacity presents a substantial obstacle to progress, potentially slowing innovation and limiting breakthrough discoveries.
The Gamer’s Untapped Powerhouse
Within this challenge lies a hidden solution: The 1.6 billion-strong global PC gaming community. Equipped with high-performance Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), their gaming rigs are miniature powerhouses, often sitting idle for hours each day.
Initially designed for rendering stunning visuals, these GPUs can also handle complex calculations, making them ideal for data processing tasks.
The combined computing power of the global PC gaming community serves as an optimal data processing centre, offering immediate access to potentially $500 billion worth of computing hardware that is decentralized, globally distributed, self-propagating, self-powered, self-maintained, self-upgrading, and intricately connected to the internet with high-speed connections.
GAIMIN- Bridging the Gap and Unlocking Potential

GAIMIN is the ingenious connector, utilising this untapped potential and transforming it into a distributed supercomputer through
This innovative platform empowers gamers to contribute their unused processing resources, earning valuable GMRX tokens, in-game assets, NFTs and access to GAIMIN’s marketplace, tournaments and events, all while playing a crucial role in powering a sustainable and rewarding future.
Four Pillars of GAIMIN:
GAIMIN’s impact extends far beyond just data processing. Its robust ecosystem is built on four key pillars, each contributing to a landscape for gamers and developers:
1. GAIMIN’s “GAIMCRAFT” Developer Tools
GAIMIN’s technology serves as a foundational layer for integrating Web3 game tech into existing games, addressing three main challenges for developers:

  • GAIMCRAFT Developer Tools (SDK/API): With these tools, game developers can quickly and easily add Web3 functionality, features, and benefits to any existing game.
  • Sandbox Testing: Provides game studios with a testing environment during development, collaborating with users and esports players for valuable feedback, suggestions, and ideas to improve the game.
  • Platform Support: GAIMIN’s platform and userbase offer game developers a dedicated game launcher and access to an enthusiastic gamer audience for successful game launches, fostering a supportive gaming community.

2. GAIMIN’s Data Processing Cloud
GAIMIN’s cloud service,, specializes in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) by processing data through high-performance GPU devices. This decentralized network involves devices participating in GAIMIN’s monetization services, allowing users to choose their processing level flexibly.
GAIMIN’s AI Engine and Decision Maker continually evaluate device availability, assigning jobs based on requirements.
Upon installing the GAIMIN application, the platform identifies a user’s PC characteristics, mainly the GPU and CPU. Opting for monetization makes the device available for, which allocates jobs based on device performance and availability.
While currently focusing on GPU jobs, GAIMIN plans to expand to using other PC components, such as CPU, RAM, and storage.
3. Web3 Gaming Platform and Game Launcher:
The GAIMIN Game Launcher provides an opportunity for game developers and publishers to integrate their Web2 and Web3 games into the GAIMIN Application, enabling users to be among the earliest to experience new, exciting Web3 games.
Gamers can download the platform, play their favourite games, earn rewards, access events and tournaments, and buy or sell their in-game assets on GAIMIN’s marketplace.
4. GAIMIN Gladiators Esports Organization:
The power of professional Esports cannot be underestimated. GAIMIN leverages the reach and influence of its renowned esports team, Gaimin Gladiators (one of the top esports organizations in the world), to spread awareness, build brand loyalty, and attract the next millions of gamers to its platform.
How does GAIMIN operate?
GAIMIN uses Artificial Intelligence and its DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) — networks that motivate individuals with tokens to share resources — to distribute computational resources between users and cloud services efficiently. This versatile system applies to various use cases or jobs, such as Video Rendering, Server Hosting, AI, and Deep Learning Data Processing.
To get started, users simply need to do the following:

  • Download the GAIMIN platform
  • Set up a wallet
  • Click the monetization button
  • Start earning rewards!

The platform functions in the background, identifying idle or underused moments on the user’s PC and allocating these resources to GAIMIN’s cloud services. Users can set preferences for resource sharing and control when to start, stop, or resume the process.
Gamers can receive $GMRX tokens for their unused computing power, support developers in developing enhanced games, and contribute to a more sustainable gaming industry.
Developers can easily access the GAIMIN platform through a simple API connection. They can also define their desired computing power and set the corresponding price. GAIMIN, in turn, facilitates the matching process by pairing developers with gamers possessing the requisite available power.
Developers enjoy cost-effective, scalable computing power, reducing reliance on traditional cloud providers and encouraging innovation in game creation.
Milestones and Achievements:

  • Developed a live gaming platform featuring one-click automatic GPU monetization.
  • Reached over 300k downloads.
  • Attracted 56k+ monthly active users actively sharing their GPU (establishing the platform as the world’s largest source of decentralized GPUs).
  • Distributed rewards exceeding $500k to these users.

  • In a groundbreaking move, GAIMIN has partnered with Movement Labs and BNBChain to create the world’s fastest gaming blockchain. This collaboration introduces a Move-based Layer 2 (L2) solution on the BNB Chain with an impressive throughput of over 150,000 transactions per second (TPS), minimal gas fees, and native gaming features.

This L2 solution addresses critical issues in the gaming industry, such as scalability, latency, and operational costs, providing a game-changing infrastructure for Web3 gaming.
The integration of AI on this gaming-focused L2 brings personalized gaming experiences, AI-driven economy balancing, and predictive analytics for developers, marking a significant leap in the evolution of the gaming ecosystem.
Read more about this exciting development in the full article.
The $GMRX Token and Utilities
The GMRX token plays a crucial role in GAIMIN’s strategy, ensuring a fair and transparent reward system for gamers while establishing a sustainable revenue model for the company. As the GAIMIN ecosystem expands, the GMRX token’s utility will grow, offering more advantages for gamers.
The GAIMIN token utility includes the following:

  • Access to functions and features on GAIMIN’s Web3 gaming platform and game launcher.
  • Powers all internal GAIMIN ecosystem transactions.
  • Transmission of purchasing power from users’ computational contribution to
  • Serves to encourage platform growth via referral rewards
  • Ability to trade on the GAIMIN marketplace — in-game assets, NFTs, Metaverse.
  • Planned future gamified yield farming

The Core Founding Team
Martin Speight, CEO and Co-Founder: An adept entrepreneur and business strategy consultant, Martin Speight brings over 28 years of experience in sales and marketing, specializing in developing systems for planned growth for Internet startups.
Andrew Faridani, CMO and Co-Founder: As the founder of Canada’s largest local digital agency, Andrew boasts 18 years of experience in online advertising, branding, and social media. With expertise in staff management, business processes, and scaling, he is a key figure in the GAIMIN team.
Calvin Adamus, CPO and Co-Founder: Calvin Adamus, the creator of GAIMIN, brings product-specific knowledge and serves as a strategic advisor with extensive experience in community building and referral programs. His multi-lingual and well-traveled background adds depth to the team.
Clive Aroskin, COO and Co-Founder: Bringing significant entrepreneurial startup experience, Clive Aroskin specializes in operations and logistics. His expertise includes referral program management, community development, and event coordination.
Robert Van Schaik, CFO and Co-Founder: With 30 years of business formation and management experience, Robert Van Schaik has founded several successful online businesses and is a startup investor specializing in technology and blockchain.
Buki Ben Natan, CTO and Co-Founder: As the CTO and Co-founder, Buki Ben Natan possesses extensive knowledge of blockchain technologies and IT product development. His vast experience with big data tech, stack, and machine learning makes him a key contributor to GAIMIN’s technical aspects.
IDO Information
Name: (Name and ticker of the token): Gaimin/GMRX
Token Type: BNB chain
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
Initial Mcap (excluding Liquidity): $988,050
IDO Date: 29 February 2024
IDO Price: TBA
Listing Date: TBA
Listing Price: TBA
Allocation: 510K USDT
Vesting Period: 20% at TGE, 7-Day Cliff, 10 months linear vesting daily
Market Makers: Acheron
Refund Policy: 7 days unconditional refund
GAIMIN could disrupt the gaming industry by providing a more affordable and sustainable way to power games. The platform is already being used by some of the industry’s biggest names and is well set for growth in the coming years.
By participating in their IDO, you can join this exciting project at its beginning and earn rewards for your unused computing power.
For more information on how to participate in the IDO, please refer to this article.
To learn more about GAIMIN’s Cloud Technology and its Game Launcher Platform, please refer to the links below:

About Seedify
Seedify is a leading Web3 projects incubator and launchpad specializing in Web3 Gaming, NFTs, AI, Defi and metaverse projects. Our mission is to empower innovators and project developers by offering essential resources such as access to funding, community building, marketing expertise, and a high-calibre partnership network. With a comprehensive support system, we aim to bring premier projects to our community and beyond, fostering growth and success in the dynamic landscape of Web3.
Please refer to the following links to learn more about Seedify and Seedworld (Seedify’s UGC-based Gaming Metaverse):



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