Finding Real Treasure !

5 Feb 2024

Grandfather's health, which had been ill for a long time, suddenly deteriorated drastically. Grandmother had died long ago, the elder son used to take care of her.

Knowing his last moments, he called his four sons-in-law. But the day everyone gathered, his health became so bad that he could not even speakā€¦ Then he gestured for a pen and started writing something on a paper with trembling handsā€¦

But as soon as he wrote a word he diedā€¦

Seeing ā€œmangoā€ written on the paper, everyone thought that perhaps he wanted to eat his favorite fruit, mango, at his last moment.

After knowing his wish, several quintals of mangoes were distributed at his death feast.

After some time, the brothers decided to sell the ancestral property and sold everything to a builder at a good price.

When the builder got the work done there after a few days. Old buildings started being demolished, trees and plants in the garden started being uprooted.

And that day, when the mango tree was uprooted, the eyes of the workers were left wide open... Just below the tree, there was an old trunk buried for decades.

The builder immediately pushed the workers back and started opening the boxā€¦

Diamonds and jewels worth several crores were sparkling in the box.

It seemed as if the builder had gone mad with happinessā€¦now he had the right to the treasure worth a hundred times the amount of the property that he did not own.

When the brothers came to know about this, they felt very remorseful, they even went to court but the decision was in favor of the builder.

One day when all four brothers were sitting with their faces hanging, suddenly the younger brother saidā€¦

"Ohoā€¦. That day, Babuji did not write mango on the paper because he wanted to eat itā€¦he wanted to tell us the address of the treasure.ā€

All four sons started thinking in their mindā€¦ We lived around that tree all our lives, climbed up and down on it many times, walked on that landā€¦ That treasure was still lying there but we did not know anything about it. Found and in the end it got out of our hands.

I wish Babuji had told us about it earlier!

Friends, treasure is not just hidden under the ground, the real treasure is hidden within us. And it is more valuable than diamonds and jewels.

But most of the people in the world are never able to find that treasureā€¦ They are never able to realize their maximum potentialā€¦

Why? Because they do not even try to think beyond the obvious.

ā€œMangoā€ written means to eat mangoā€¦ Donā€™t think about anything else, donā€™t even thinkā€¦ As life is going onā€¦ Let it go onā€¦ Keep doing the same as everyone has been doingā€¦ Donā€™t take risksā€¦ Be bornā€¦ Read and write. ā€¦Do a jobā€¦Make a familyā€¦Go away from this world.

Billions of people are doing the sameā€¦what if we do it too?

Oho! Wake up brother! Don't let your treasures go to wasteā€¦ your inner layers scratched awayā€¦ find out about the great thing you were born to doā€¦ don't let your uniqueness, your identity get crushed under the feet of the crowd.

And only then will you be entitled to the real treasure !




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