If Ross Geller Invested in Crypto: A 'Friends' Financial Guide

14 Jan 2025

Imagine a world where Ross Geller, the lovable paleontologist from Friends, takes a plunge into the crypto world. Considering how obsessive Ross gets, how much he loves doing research, and how he overthinks anything and everything, it's a given that his crypto journey would be nothing short of entertaining-and perhaps even educational.

Here's how I imagine it would all go down.

It's the year 2021, and Ross is at Central Perk, scrolling down on his phone and sipping on a latte. Joey leans over and says, "Hey, Ross, what's this thing, Bitcoin? Can you eat it?” Monica gives that ever-known eye roll, but intrigued, Ross tells him, "Bitcoin? That's so interesting. It is some sort of digital currency, really decentralized. The gang tunes him out after about five seconds, as they always do, but Ross is hooked. He spends the next few weeks researching crypto and watching every tutorial he can find on YouTube. You can practically hear him yelling, "Pivot! Pivot!" as he shifts from traditional savings to setting up his first exchange account.

Ross invests in crypto as he does in his work in the museum: with meticulously. He doesn't just invest in Bitcoin or Ethereum. Oh no, he digs deep into obscure altcoins that sound to him "scientifically interesting.” He invests in DinoToken because "It's the future of paleontology funding!” He buys T-Rex Coin because, well, it's named after his favorite dinosaur. And, of course, he's got a little Bitcoin, too, because "it's the foundation of the crypto ecosystem. It's like the Archaeopteryx of finance!”

Rachel, overhearing this, says, "Archaeo-what now?"

Like most new investors, Ross doesn't really understand market volatility. So, one day, he wakes up to Bitcoin's price dropping 30%, and he totally freaks out.

OH MY GOD," he yells to Monica, "My portfolio! It's down! What do I do?!"

Chandler, always the joker, says, "Looks like your portfolio was on a break."

Ross freaks out and sells half of his Bitcoin; it rebounds in a week. Classic newbie mistake. "WHY did I sell?! he yells. "This is just like Emily all over again!"

One day, Joey walks in, sees Ross obsessing over charts, and decides he wants in, too. But being Joey, he doesn't exactly do the homework. He hears about Dogecoin: "It's got a dog on it. I like dogs. I'm all in!"
Joey is a much more laid-back investor than Ross. While Ross is reading blockchain whitepapers, Joey is buying meme coins and tweeting, "To the moon!" For whatever reason, Joey's investments start to go up, and he won't shut up about how much.

Ross: Irritated, grumbles, "That's not actually investing. That's luck!"

Meanwhile, Phoebe has her own take on crypto. She's skeptical of its environmental impact, saying, "Do you know how much energy Bitcoin mining uses? It's like, smelly cat levels of bad!”. She eventually invests in eco-friendly coins, proudly saying, "I'm saving the planet AND making money. Take that, corporate America!"

By the end of this year, Ross has learned his lesson: Crypto investing isn't about trying to time the market or chasing trends; it's all about patience and long-term thinking. He now holds his coins instead of panic-selling and even starts a crypto savings plan for Ben and Emma.

"I realized," he tells Rachel, "that investing is a lot like love. It's not about the short-term ups and downs. It's about the journey."

Could It BE Any More Awesome?
In the end, Ross's crypto journey is a lot like his life—filled with drama, mistakes, and overanalyzing. But he learns, adapts, and comes out smarter for it. So, whether you’re like Ross (the researcher), Joey (the gambler), or Phoebe (the ethical investor), there’s a lesson for everyone in this imaginary Friends crypto saga: Do your research, stay calm, and always look at the bigger picture.

And hey, if nothing else, just remember: “Pivot!”

This article is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not constitute financial, legal, or professional advice. Please consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions based on the information provided here. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.

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HOT Wallet: https://shorturl.at/0TP06
TON Station: https://shorturl.at/QSwFG
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Get GRASS: https://shorturl.at/RHET4
KAISAR Network: https://tinyurl.com/yc8vvjns
DeNet - DePIN storage layer: https://tinyurl.com/2876ty9n
Gradient Network - https://shorturl.at/tdOYQ

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