What Is Tron Stake 2.0?

18 Mar 2024

What Is Tron Stake 2.0?

Tron introduced the beta version of its new Stinging Mechanism, Stake 2.0, and urged users to test it on the nile testnet and provide feedback beefore the mainnet launch. The goal is to significantly decouples the processes of stinging and Delegating Who Stabilizing Them.

Supose you’re intersection in discs what tron stake 2.0 is all about. In that Case, this Article Will Explore This Upcoming Development of the Tron Network in Depth!

Key Takeaways,

Tron Stake 2.0 is a Newer Version of Tron’s Stinging Mechanism, which aims to provide better İncentives to Stakers and Improve The Overall Tron Ecocystem.

Stinging References to Holding A Certain Amount of TRX (TRON's Native Cryptocurrency) to PartiCipate in Tron’s Network by Voting for Super Representatives, Who Are Responsible for Verifying Transactions.


How Tron Stake 2.0 Works in General?

Tron Stake 2.0 is a new and improved stake mechanism proposed by the tron community. It Requires an on-Chain Governance Vote to Open, After Who Stinging Can Only Be Done Through Stake 2.0. The Stake 2.0 Mechanism is on the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) Consensus Mechanism, Who Allows Trx Holders to Vote For Super Representatives and PartiPate in the Governance of the Tron Network. Stinging trx on the Tron Network Provides Voting Rights Called Tron Power and Bandwidth or Energy As Resources.

Tron’s Virtual Machine (TVM) Now Supports All Instructions Related to Stake 2.0, Bringing More Opportunities for Smart Contract Developers. The Resources Obtained Under Stake 1.0 Can Still Be Used, But After Stake 2.0 Is Open, Stinging Can Only Be Done Through Stake 2.0.

How Is Tron Stake 2.0 Better?

Tron Stake 2.0 offers several improvements over Stake 1.0. Stake 2.0 improves stake flexibility, lowers the complexity of user operations, and improves resource delegating efficiency and resource usage when compared to Stake 1.0. This makes it easier for TRX holders to delegate their stake to Super Representatives and receive rewards.
With Stake 1.0, users had to lock up their TRX for at least three days and could not access their funds during that time. With Tron Stake 2.0, users can stake their TRX for as little as one day and still earn rewards. Moreover, users can stop staking at any time and access their funds.

Difference Between Stake 1.0 and Stake 2.0

Tron Stake 1.0:

  • TVM support: No stake and delegate-related instructions.
  • Resource management: Delegating resources and staking are combined.
  • Unstaking lock-up period: Users can unstake TRX after three days.
  • Cancellation of votes: All votes are lost when unstaking TRX.
  • Resource receivers: Stakers can only designate resource receivers.

Tron Stake 2.0:

  • TVM support: Supports all Stake 2.0-related instructions.
  • Resource management: Separates resource delegating from staking, providing additional resource management flexibility.
  • Unstaking lock-up period: Flexible lock-up period, users can unstake when they want.
  • Cancellation of votes: Partial unstaking won’t cancel all votes; it only revokes a specific number of votes as necessary.
  • Resource receivers: Stakers acquire resources by staking first, after which they can be delegated to others.


Tron Stake 2.0 offers more flexibility regarding staking and resource delegation than its predecessor—Stake 1.0. It is built on the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, allowing TRX holders to vote for Super Representatives and participate in the governance of the TRON network.
Stake 2.0 improves on Stake 1.0 by separating resource delegating from staking, improving resource management flexibility, and enabling TVM to support staking and resource management.

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