What is Coinlist? How to register and participate in hunting ICO and IDO

6 Mar 2024

What is Coinlist?

As the cryptocurrency market expands, there will be many ways to distribute tokens to new projects such as ICOs, IEOs and platforms like Coinlist. This is a fairly new token distribution model, the distributed projects are all very successful.

What is Coinlist?

CoinList is a token distribution platform founded in 2017 by Andy Bromberg and Brian Tubergen. Coinlist's goal is to bridge newly launched cryptocurrency projects with the right potential users who are willing to be loyal to that project.

Coinlist is a platform that helps new projects reach mainstream users through token distribution.

This platform helps potential projects participate in capital raising rounds through models such as ICO and STO. CoinList supports projects in preparing, managing and implementing capital raising processes such as user identification to ensure compliance with requirements.

In addition to supporting capital mobilization, CoinList also provides detailed information about potential projects to help you see potential coins with strong growth.

Up to now Coinlist has distributed many projects and most of them have become top coins such as Solana, Flow, Celo, Immutable X...

As analyzed above, Coinlist was founded by two main members, Andy Bromberg and Brian Tubergen in 2017. Andy Bromberg, who was previously the CEO of a digital financial platform called Sidewire, and Brian Tubergen is a Software Engineer at Google.

Co Founder of Coinlist – Andy Bromberg.

Both have a lot of experience in blockchain, programming and platform operations. It is not too difficult to understand that Coinlist has been very successful in becoming a good platform without any operational or legal problems.

Before receiving that breakthrough success, the project also had to raise capital, but thanks to their popularity, both of them made investors pour money into the project.

Coinlist's operating model

Coinlist has two main forms of operation: organizing capital raising rounds or initial token distribution for qualified potential projects. Common forms used are ICO, IEO or STO...

The second model is to distribute the project's own tokens to users after the initial successful sale. In addition, Coinlist also has features such as providing information about potential projects, community support or other financial activities.

Other features on Coinlist

CoinList mainly acts as a platform to support capital mobilization and financial management for eligible registered projects. However, over many years of operation, the project has also transformed and added new features such as virtual wallets, exchanges, lending or staking.

Coinlist wallet

This new service from Coinlist helps manage users' cryptocurrency. This is a virtual currency wallet stored directly on the platform, the floor will store and manage for the user. To use the wallet, you need to verify your identity through KYC and enable 2FA two-step authentication.

Currently this wallet supports many coins such as USD, BTC, ETH, DAI...

Buy and sell coins

Users can now buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly on the platform through the Buy & Sell feature. This function will support coins that have been listed and distributed on the platform before, in addition to carefully selected potential projects.

Buy and sell Bitcoin and other tokens directly on the platform using USD or stablecoin USDT.

To buy you need USD or stablecoins and a verified Coinlist wallet, the buying and selling process takes place directly at the platform's exchange rate. Simply put, Coinlist will sell coins to you directly instead of you buying on another user's exchange.

Virtual currency exchange

Coinlist Pro Trading is a feature that helps platform users exchange tokens with each other similar to other coin exchanges such as Binance or Coinbase. However, Coinlist supports quite a few coins and pairs only support USD or USDT.


Staking is a form of depositing the tokens you are holding into the platform to earn interest. Currently, there are quite a few coins supported with quite high interest rates such as FLOW with 4%/year, ROSE with 10.75%/year, SUI with 8.74%/year...

In addition to Staking, there is also a form of Lending, which is a lending business model. People who need tokens will borrow from Coinlist and mortgage a valuable asset as a deposit such as BTC or ETH...

The interest rate difference between staking and lending is the profit that the exchange will earn from users.

Protocol administration

On Coinlist, there will be a feature to manage snapshots if you hold enough support tokens worth $50 in your wallet at the time the snapshot is taken each day. Suggestions are as diverse as updating or replacing and adding new features on the platform.

Projects need support through voting for proposed modifications on Coinlist.

In addition, you can also earn additional Coinlist Karma through participating in governance proposals on the protocol for a maximum of 25 Karma for each proposal vote on CoinList Governance. However, there will be a limit: you can only vote up to 2 times/week, up to 50 Karma/week.

How to register and use Coinlist

As an open platform, you can completely register for free to participate at https://coinlist.co/register. You will have to KYC to verify your account to participate in token distribution activities on the protocol.

Registering an account is quite easy, you just need to enter information and authenticate via email.

How to register an account is quite easy so I will not give detailed instructions, you just need to enter the information and confirm your account via email to log in.

How to participate in ICOs and IDOs

The token distribution model is the main operation on this protocol. There have been many potential projects that have successfully raised capital through the community. You can participate yourself by logging into your account and paying attention to the "Home" tab, where there will be projects being implemented.

Projects are underway on the platform, you choose the project and conduct research before participating.

When selecting a suitable project, clicking on it will take you to that project's developer page on Coinlist. Information about the project, token number, and how to participate are detailed instructions.

A small note is that if you are in the US, Canada or China, your participation will often be limited because these countries are strict with crypto.

​Projects have been very successful on Coinlist


Solana is a high-performance blockchain platform designed to process thousands of transactions per second based on a PoS model. The Solana project attracted great attention when it opened for sale for the first time on the Coinlist platform at a price of only $0.22/SOL. This is the most successful project on Coinlist when the ATH reached $260/SOL on November 6, 2021.


Celo is a blockchain platform with the goal of providing financial capabilities to people around the world through mobile devices. The Celo project focuses on building an easy-to-use global payment and financial system.

With an offering price of $1/cGLD (Celo Gold) through auction before the project's official mainnet launch. This is also one of the projects with extremely high yields when the ATH reached nearly $10 in August 2021.


Flow is a blockchain platform created to support large-scale cryptocurrency adoption, especially NFT applications. Flow has been very successful because of its scalability and support from many famous projects in the 2021 NFT season.

Immutable X

Immutable X is a major protocol for the NFT market built on the Ethereum Layer-2 platform. This project aims to increase the cost-effective and faster NFT transaction experience.


Coinlist is a platform that many people trust to "hunt" for potential projects through initial token offerings. The strength of this protocol is the ability to choose good projects, most of them are quite successful when they launch mainnet.

This platform also supports many other services such as staking, lending, and direct trading, helping users no longer need to use third-party virtual currency exchanges. Thanks to that, participants do not pay additional fees and do not leave the platform immediately.

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