No more rivalry, please

22 Oct 2023

You win, I win. I win, you win! The classic win-win situation. How awesome right?! So why don’t you respect this principle?

Why are you praying about “your” competition’s downfall? I say “your” with tons of sarcasm. The only thing you do is hold bags, that someone shills, and hate on other projects (Thumbs up bro, that’s a great skill bro). And that’s what you fail to understand.

Most likely the project that you are hating upon has a team of brainiacs working on the project, and “you”, decided that would be nice to FUD…to protect your own bags. At some point, you have to understand that this is not viable for the space. What do you intend here? It’s a dirt tactic, that says more about your project community than about the project that you are FUDing. Is true, classic backfire move. It’s a prove of your lack of self-awareness, lack of character, and lack of ethos.

- Who are you in the space? What did you achieve? Ohh, Do you have an opinion?
That’s great bro! But…Is it worth sharing it? I mean is based on facts? Or speculation? Is it based on proof, or are you just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks?

And regarding your journey in the crypto space, I feel the need to quote Dalai Lama:
"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know/think. But if you listen, you may learn something new.”

- Do you really feel that you know everything that there is to know? (shrugs without conviction). Are you such a technical person that speaks so wisely about the other projects (by wisely I mean… - "your project sucks bro", "it's a scam bro"). I mean listen and learn first, and then present your “pain” to the world. Not that you need to do it…but still, if cannot control yourself, I am giving you an option here.

Also, why are you doing what you doing? Will you receive props by hating your other projects? Do you have a short position, and assume that your 27 followers will help your cause? Don’t you have something more valuable to do with your time? It’s cringe, my guy! Is your life so empty that you need to entertain yourself, going after projects that are trying to solve real issues?

Hating on something just for hating, screams a lack of maturity. It’s off-putting and I don’t think that someone really cares, so in my opinion, maybe there are some things more worth spending your time. Maybe learn more about the project you are hating, for example?

In the end, it's not about tearing down others to lift yourself up; it's about building a strong foundation together, brick by brick, to elevate the entire ecosystem. It's about sticking up to the suits, and to centralize entities, not sticking up to each other lame-o.

So, before you spread more FUD and engage in divisive tactics, take a moment to reflect on your ( heads up, I will repeat myself in 3,2,1…) self-awareness, your character, and your ethos.

Ask yourself if you are indeed that person, that speaks just for speaking. The mark of success isn't measured solely by your personal gains, but by the positive impact you leave on amongst others. And please remember, we are in this together! It's not you against me, or me against you. It's us together for the win!

Thank you very much for reading. Hope you have enjoyed the article! Would really appreciate it if you could drop a follow on 👉🏽Twitter(X)👈🏽

See you soon fam!

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