Why Are There No Great Blogs On Bulb?

28 Mar 2024

I just don´t get it?
I always write a Great or Brilliant blog.
Every week, at least one...
Am I the only one?
Because...Because I find it harder each week to complete this challenge.
I read, I like, I comment on what I think is quality....
But Nothing happens.
What is wrong with this platform that I can comment on 20 posts, selected out of at least a 100 posts, and non of them are great or above????

I mean I see a lot of shitposts here, for sure.
I read a lot of AI-generated content here, for sure.
I see a lot of lousy formatting here, for sure.

But I also find some quality posts that are not considered great by this platform.

So now I ask you dear reader......
Is there so much shitposting going on here on Bulb.....
Or is the threshold to write Great or Above just too high...
Or and that is my biggest question do I read this question incorrectly?

Do I need to create a comment that is great or beyond....?
And based on what is it great?
I write pretty simple comments, and when I see movement in this task that is because the post I comment on is great not because my comment is.
So I think I need to read this as comment on a post that is great or beyond.

Let me know what you think, oh, and now I am asking is there a way to monetize your BULB already? Let me know in the comments, please!

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