Characteristics of Cats that Must Be Understood

6 Feb 2024
Here are some common traits that cats exhibit when communicating with humans.

1. Snoring (Purring)
Almost all cats make purring sounds more often, but not many people understand it.

Purring has many different meanings according to the feeling. Cats usually purr when they feel relaxed. However, this sound is also made to calm yourself when you feel stressed or injured.

Apart from that, cats also purr when kittens are born as a direction for them to suckle at their mother's nipples. They also make purring sounds to their owners when they want something.

2. Showing His Belly
A cat showing its belly shows us a sign of trust. However, it is not uncommon that when you stroke its stomach, the cat turns its stomach back and pats or bites your hand. The reason is, cats only want to communicate by showing their stomachs, not asking to be stroked.

3. Moving the Tail
Cats moving their tails does not mean they are happy or happy. On the other hand, tail movements indicate that the cat is feeling frustrated or annoyed.

When the tail moves harder, the cat is giving a warning signal that they don't like what the owner is doing and asking him to stop.

4. Wake Up Early
Apart from dusk, cats are also known to be active at dawn. They could wake you up in the morning when you are asleep.

The solution, you can install dark curtains in the bedroom so that the sun doesn't penetrate the window and wake Mpus. Apart from that, you also have to give them food at the right time every day so that they don't immediately feel hungry in the morning.

5. Shifting Objects Around
It is not uncommon for cats to shift or even drop objects on the table. However, this behavior is very normal and is usually done by cats when they are bored.

They also want to get attention so they play with objects around them. Cats are curious animals and tend to explore their environment by touching and pushing objects around them.

6. Scratching Furniture
One of the complaints when caring for cats is that these furry friends are prone to damaging furniture. It is not uncommon for cat owners to feel annoyed because Si Mpus scratches furniture, especially sofas and tables.

In fact, scratching is a cat's way of keeping its nails sharp. Apart from that, scratching is also part of 'marking' or marking the territory as one's own. Scratching also causes feelings of pleasure in cats. The solution, you can give your cat a claw toy.

7. Licks the owner's body
It's not without reason that cats lick their owners' bodies. They do it to show attention and affection.

When cats lick you, they want to build a special social bond with you. This attitude begins to form when the cat is a newborn because the mother licks her kittens to care for them and show her affection.

8. Licking His Own Body
Cats also tend to lick their own bodies to clean themselves. Pet Pals don't need to worry about bathing schedules and routine grooming for cats. You only need to bathe it periodically or when the cat is experiencing certain situations.

9. Bring toys
You must feel confused when a cat suddenly brings a toy or other item to you. This toy is given as a thank you gift because you always put food in their bowl.

10. Meowing Sound
Every meowing sound a cat makes has a different meaning. Kittens make meowing sounds to communicate with their mother.

Meanwhile, adult cats meow as a means of communicating with humans and conveying their needs, such as feeling hungry, bored, afraid or sick. However, if Mpus makes sounds more often than usual, there could be a problem with his body.

11. Nap
Every cat has a hunting instinct, including cats kept indoors. They spend their time napping so they can save energy for hunting.

Apart from that, they also like warm beds because they have a higher body temperature. So, don't be surprised if Si Mpus likes to sleep near the laptop or in the sun.

12. Excreting feces inappropriately
Cats are actually trained animals. They are used to defecating in the sandbox and covering the feces they excrete. However, you need to be careful if Si Mpus does not remove feces in the right place. This indicates that they don't like the location of the toilet or the type of sand used, the sandbox is dirty, or Si Mpus has FLUTD.

13. Territorial
Cats are animals that have a very territorial nature. This means he wants to make sure he recognizes and marks the territory around him. Cats generally mark their territory by rubbing against each other to leave their scent on objects or areas. However, it is not uncommon for cats to urinate on areas or items they have just seen or do not recognize.

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