biswap tutorial :how to swap crypto (+bonus)

20 Jun 2023

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of swapping cryptocurrencies using Biswap, a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Biswap allows users to trade a wide range of tokens directly from their wallets. Follow the steps below to learn how to swap cryptocurrencies on Biswap.

To begin, make sure you have a compatible wallet installed that supports the Binance Smart Chain. The most popular wallets for BSC are MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Install and set up the wallet of your choice, ensuring that you have some BNB (Binance Coin) available for transaction fees.

Step 2: Connect Wallet to Biswap: Open your web browser and visit the Biswap website Click on the “Connect Wallet” button in the upper right corner of the screen. Choose your wallet provider and follow the prompts to connect your wallet to Biswap.

Step 3: Select Tokens to Swap: Once your wallet is connected, you will see a list of available tokens on Biswap. Choose the tokens you want to swap from the drop-down menus. For example, if you want to swap BNB for BUSD (Binance USD), select BNB from the “From” dropdown and BUSD from the “To” dropdown.

Step 4: Enter Swap Amount: Enter the amount of the “From” token you wish to swap. You can specify the exact amount or use the “Max” button to swap your entire balance. Make sure you have enough balance for the transaction fee as well.

Step 5: Review and Approve: Review the transaction details, including the estimated amount of the “To” token you will receive and the transaction fee. Ensure that all information is correct before proceeding. Click on the “Approve” button to authorize the transaction.

Step 6: Confirm Transaction: A pop-up window from your wallet will appear, displaying the transaction details. Confirm the transaction and wait for it to be processed. The time it takes will depend on network congestion and the gas fee you set.

Congratulations! You have successfully swapped cryptocurrencies using Biswap. Remember to double-check the token addresses and transaction details before confirming any swap. Always exercise caution and do your own research when trading cryptocurrencies. Happy swapping!

bonus with my link : (click here)
5% bonus on each swap 
2.5% in farm 
2.5 % for launchpool.

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