Over Protocol airdrop

6 Jan 2024

Staking Benefits await!
OverWallet Code : JGB1GDTX8I

Put your points to work
now you can invest the points you've collected and get more points on them!

Your points, Your control
Enjoy the flexibility of unstaking your points whenever you want

Zero fees, More rewards
point staking comes with no fees. Instead you will gain more rewards!

Invite Friends
You"ll recieve cards, and your friend get 2,000 points

all you need to do is download the over wallet
here πŸ‘‰ https://mobile.over.network/en/invite/JGB1GDTX8I
Ref code : JGB1GDTX8I

How to earn points
* claim your daily points
* answer daily quest
* stake your points at 11% APR

points πŸ” $over token

If we compare a node to a restaurant, validator node is the chef. When they create a dish called a block, regular RPC nodes deliver it to users, responing to requests, sending and receiving data to help users interact with the blockchain, verifying and delivering Txs.

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