The Year Of Ethereum: ETH Long-Term Holder Percentage Surpasses BTC

1 Jan 2024

The percentage of long-term ETH holders has skyrocketed this year to surpass Bitcoin for the second time ever. According to data from on-chain analytics platform IntoTheBlock, Ethereum has done pretty well in its percentage of long-term holders this year, with over 70% of investors currently holding on to their assets for more than a year, a new milestone for the blockchain.
ETH Long-Term Holders Now Top BTC
Ethereum’s price activity has largely underperformed this year when compared to Bitcoin. But this isn’t surprising, as Bitcoin has led the entire industry in bullish metrics and investor confidence this year. However, data from IntoTheBlock suggest more Ethereum investors are holding onto ETH for the long haul, hopefully with the belief that it will continue to rise substantially in value over time. 

Long-term holders are investors who refuse to sell their crypto even during times of market volatility and price depreciation. They are particularly important in maintaining the overall health of any blockchain, as they help to provide stability and reduce price volatility.

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