The Importance of Iron for Athletes and Non-Athletes

20 Jan 2024

The Importance
of Iron for
Athletes and Non-Athletes

To give a crude explanation, iron is an important element for athletes and non-athletes alike. It's an essential mineral because it's an integral part of hemoglobin (blood), helping to transport oxygen and thus oxygenate muscles.

An iron-deficient diet leads to a reduction in the production of hemoglobin, so muscles are poorly oxygenated when faced with effort, the body produces less energy and anemia occurs; mental and physical fatigue, lack of concentration, dizziness, lack of strength... There are many causes of iron deficiency: lack of intake via the diet, lack of absorption (intestinal inflammation), and losses (perspiration, urine, menstruation, stools, etc.).

Iron is present in the diet in two forms:
-> Heme (well assimilated): Red and white meats, fish, eggs.
-> Non-heme (poorly assimilated): Vegetables, fruit, wholegrain cereals. For a vegan diet, you'll have understood that iron deficiency is likely to occur. However, the absorption capacity of plant-based iron increases over time. Requirements are around 14mg/day.

Vitamin C enables better absorption of iron, which is found in fruit and vegetables (citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C).

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