Chaos in our Land

9 May 2023

Chaos in our Land...

Please read to the end

The rain like we know
Has begun to drop on everything
In this part of the world, we don't expect snow
Although that seems to have spoilt everything

In our land, rain is unpredictable
So also our very government
Life doesn't seem palatable
Even for those with some achievements

If I weigh people my own way
Their quality might end up in vain
But when I remembered the rain
I discovered that little things can drain

Just like that train exploded in the terrain
News said it was bombers but people were slain
some were plain on their quest to make gain
but between their departure and destination,

there was a narrow aperture
that caused mass destruction
Our little ones will soon grow up
And just like us, they won't understand all

My interest is not necessarily about me But where they'll be, what they'll see when we leave

Should I talk about Nigeria?
It really might not seem right
But after the things I've considered
I think its high time we make things right

They divide the people to make gain They realised that the youths lack brain Some are very hardworking really
For the purpose of making ends meet

"We are the leaders of tomorrow", we sang
At same time were made to believe it was true
But when the bell of responsibility rang We all discovered that we are screwed

Is it the problem of government or ourselves?
Even our lecturers are giving student stress
I almost didn't wear clothes because of my seamstress
I was troubled but is our understanding really less?

Bus drivers and conductors insults passengers
Although poor, they regard everyone as their class
Graduates and youth corpers are in rage
They don't know if after service, they'd be paid

Policemen are busy abusing car owners PHCN are busy holding back our electrical power
Military men shows up when crisis is over
Firemen arrives only when the fire is out

In a country such as this
What we need is tranquility and peace Youths should work and not steal
And remember God because only Him can heal

I will stop here
But I won't draw my pen
Although I don't know when
Whichever way, we will meet somewhere But before then, remain blessed.

Anticipate part 2

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