Effects of Lack of Sleep on Mental Health(2)

24 Dec 2022

Changes in Behavior
Unusual behaviors may accompany mood changes. Sleep deprivation can result in increased impulsivity, hyperactivity, and emotional outbursts. When we are sleep deprived, we may find it difficult to interact with others. You may act erratically and have a short fuse—perhaps you yell at someone at work for making a mistake, or you leave the room completely if someone says something that irritates you.

Even minor stress can be made much more difficult to handle if you don't get enough sleep. Daily annoyances can quickly escalate into major sources of annoyance. Everyday occurrences may cause you to become frazzled. Even thinking about your poor sleep quality can be stressful. You understand the importance of getting a good night's sleep, but you worry that you won't be able to fall or stay asleep (which can also keep you up at night).

The relationship between sleep and anxiety appears to be bidirectional, as it is with many other psychological conditions. People who suffer from anxiety have more sleep disturbances, but sleep deprivation can also contribute to anxiety symptoms. This can become a vicious cycle, perpetuating both sleep and anxiety problems.
Furthermore, sleep problems appear to be a risk factor for the development of anxiety disorders. One study discovered that sleep problems were a predictor of generalized anxiety disorder in children and adolescents aged nine to sixteen. Those who have sleep problems are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder, especially if their sleep problems are prolonged and untreated.

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