PSG wins Nantes by 4-0 in Trophee des Champions

1 Aug 2022

Trophy de champions is a football league in france football that is held between the winner of PSG ligue1 and winner of Couple De France. In this game, PSG comes as it was winner of Ligue1 while Nantes has won Couple De France.The match was quite good to watch. After many times of Lionel Messi with PSG, in this match Messi performance with PSG was so good to watch. In this match, Neymar , Messi and Ramos  as scored 2 goals ,1 goal and 1 goal respectively.

Lionel Messi scored first goal for PSG in 22 minute of the game by tricking goalkeeper at the post and easy shot. Neymar on 45+5' minute of match, delievered the fantastic goals by freekick. Then, Sergio Ramos scored third goal in 57' th minute with amazing back hill touch. 
At the 81th minute of match, Jean Charles get red card for fouling Neyamr in Penalty area. So, Neymat won penalty and scored it easily in 82 minute of the match. During this games, PSG has 8 shots on target out of 15 shots while Nantes has 2 shots on target out of 8 shots. Messi missed in 85th minute taking down all the way defenders alone and when he shot ,it just got saved by Lafont (keeper from Nantes).

Lionel Messi performance was quite impressive. He played this games like in his young age and Messi seemed yesterday more athletic and energetic in PSG games than ever. And as usual , Messi won the Man of the match. With this match, Messi add new trophy in his name making it's 41th trophy in his carrier.  

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