Unwritten restrictions of free Life.
We are living in free world under some written constitutional rights where everyone is independent, sovereign and standard. We follow the rules and regulations of our Constitution and obey the faith which guarantees our security, safety and independence.
No one accept the restrictions if imposed with power and which kills of flying will. Yes may accept if it necessary to save our life as happened during pandemic. Such prevention and precautions we should adopt, follow because it is not benificial to us only but also for our beloved ones and society.
We have some unwritten restrictions in which we are bounded , enveloped , prisoned by ourselves. Interesting thing is living without these restrictions are not harmful to us nor to others but yet we are adopting with unknown reasons. According to my experiences here in our community I found very interesting restrictions as follows.
People are divided into casts and Tribes. Although have same religious beliefs where no restriction to marry but here they are not marrying in other cast/tribe nor allow others to get in. Even did very rude and in some cases very cruel attitude if someone wants to break these restrictions. Education & consciousness increased little bit and now casts started marriages in cross but tribes still very conservative about it. People avoiding to made a relationship in different mindset of belief as Sunni, deobandi, brailvi. They didn't like merry the kids in each others. These unseen, invisible and unwritten restrictions although made by our owns but not fair.
If someone has any shop , home for rent , he will give at rental agreement to those who are near to his beliefs. Same if they need to rent they will search in same mindset community. It is very strange thing in which we are caught up. How we left behind our core values set by Almighty Allah and catching up the values which human created for own ego and satisfaction.
Mosque & holy places.
Muslim community has been divided into ethical groups in faith also. We are believers of one God, one prophet PBUH and there in no any restrictions about worship or offer prayer in any place but unfortunately we put unwritten restrictions to ourselves about it too. We didn't offer prayer in other's group and each one has built their own mosque.
We have very clear teaching about our attitude and behaviour towards the minority groups. We have Christian , Hindu, Sikh and parsi community as minority. We never keep in mind the original teachings and we obey the restrictions which are self made and baseless.
World is moving very fast and growing in cruising speed. We can't live in old fashioned theoretical based. We must read , learn and act according to true teachings and beliefs. We must broke the chain of unwritten restrictions and must be free to live a better life in free country.Thank you so much for reading my thoughts and observations. Like, upvote and leave comment for feedback.
Note: The article also published on my read.cash Wall.
Lead image taken from Pixabay.