Ninety Eight: Empowering Asian Blockchain Builders for Web3 Success (Part 2)

15 Jan 2024

Launchpad: Starship

Starship is a decentralized launchpad platform built by the Ninety Eight team that allows projects to raise capital by selling tokens to the community. To ensure the protection of both their users and investors, projects seeking funding on Starship must undergo rigorous quality assessments. 
The mission of Starship is to serve as a platform developed by and for builders while aiming to ensure fairness for all users, from retail investors to builders and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in the crypto industry, by allowing flexible access to new and promising projects.
Furthermore, Starship offers "Starship Membership NFT” which serves as a ticket for users to participate in the launchpad. According to the team, there will be a total supply of fixed 10,000 Starship Membership NFTs, which will be sold in Private Sale, Whitelist, and Public Sale at the following prices:

  • Partner: 299 USD per NFT (in $C98).
  • Whitelist: 299 USD per NFT (in $C98).
  • Public sale: 599 USD per NFT (in $C98).

Starship Membership NFT is a ticket for users to participate in Starship.

Identity: OneID

OneID is a digital identity solution built on the Viction blockchain, allowing users to purchase one ID that can be used for multiple wallets across different chains. Currently, OneID supports over 70 popular blockchains in the market with many various domain names such as .c98, .bitcoin, .crypto, .atm, and more.
Unlike other single-chain identity projects, OneID introduces the concept of a multi-chain ID - a single ID that can be used on over 70 blockchains. This simplifies the process of sending, receiving, and interacting with dApps, as users only need to use one ID regardless of the network they are on or whether it is EVM compatible or not.
ONE Click, all chains
OneID delivers a multichain ID solution, allowing users to set one ID across multiple blockchains. Additionally, IDs on OneID operate as NFTs under the VRC-725 token standard on the Viction blockchain and benefit from a zero gas mechanism, meaning that user transactions do not require VIC for gas fees.
In the future, Ninety Eight plans to enhance the features of OneID and expand its applicability within the ecosystem, such as implementing KYC for IDs.

Cross-chain Bridge: SpaceGate

SpaceGate is a cross-chain bridge that allows users to swap and transfer tokens between different networks. This includes the ability to move C98 tokens across chains, such as Viction, BNB Chain, Ethereum, and Solana.
As one of our cornerstone products, SpaceGate aligns with Ninety Eight's vision for a multi-chain and cross-chain future. It simplifies the exchange of value between blockchains and attracts users to our ecosystem. Additionally, SpaceGate plays a crucial role in operating the cross-chain infrastructure for our SuperLink product.

Aggregator SDK: SuperLink

SuperLink is an Aggregator SDK service that offers an advanced toolkit for synthesizing various DEX Aggregators. It has a unique algorithm for querying and comparing liquidity across exchanges, including 1inch, ParaSwap, and 0x, to provide the most efficient trading routes for users.
SuperLink has two main components:

  • SuperLink SDK: This is integrated into various products within the Ninety Eight ecosystem, such as SpaceGate, Coin98 Super Wallet, Ramper, and Dagora, helping users execute coin/token transactions at the best prices with minimal slippage and low fees among different liquidity sources in the market.
  • SuperLink Contract: This facilitates the execution of swap orders on selected Aggregator contracts while also managing partner fees and protocol charges, overseeing the slippage level if it has not been managed or adjusted within the incorporated Aggregator yet.

Ventures: Arche Fund

Arche Fund, the investment arm of Ninety Eight, has rebranded from Coin98 Ventures in order to discover and support builders in developing their products and expanding their user base. Since its establishment in January 2021, Coin98 has successfully assisted numerous builders and projects in creating valuable products within the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries, with a focus on decentralized financial networks (DeFi). Some notable high-yield projects in various fields include: 

  • DeFi: Perpetual Protocol, TraderJoe, Impossible Finance, Mercurial Finance, Saber, and others.
  • Gaming: Ancient8, Mines of Dalarnia, DeFiLand, My Neighbor Alice, GuildFi, and others.
  • Infrastructure: Aura Network, Serum, Injective, Boba Network, and more.
  • NFTs: MagicEden, Yunero, and others.

In addition, Arche Fund actively participates in and sponsors various events, competitions, and major funds in the market. This not only provides financial support but also strategic advisory services, strengthening collaborations with different projects and ecosystems. One of the most notable partnerships was with the Solana Foundation to develop the 5 million USD Coin98 Solana Ecosystem Fund.
Arche Fund's goal is to be a reliable platform for Web3 builders
On August 31, 2023, Coin98 Ventures officially underwent a rebranding “Arche Fund”, marking a new chapter in mission to support emerging builders and innovative ideas in Web3. The company also introduced a new framework focused on foundational values and an improved approach to enhance precision in its investment model, as well as expand its range of strategic support.
Inspired by Greek philosophy, the name Arche (pronounced as /ar-khee/) represents "The First Principle", reflecting the fund's goal of becoming a trusted platform for Web3 builders. Unlike Coin98 Ventures, Arche's framework now centers on three core pillars, catering to the unique needs of projects:

  • Arche Ventures: An early-stage venture capital firm that supports up-and-coming Web3 projects.
  • Kompass: An accelerator program for Web3 that guides enterprises through their product development journey.
  • Arche Capital: A capital resource for groundbreaking and innovative Web3 ideas.

Arche offers consultancy to assist projects in selecting the most suitable pillar based on their specific requirements, stage, and scale, thereby creating conditions for maximizing their potential.
Since the rebranding, Arche Fund has been involved in several noteworthy investment transactions in the market. This includes becoming one of the seed round investors in Cube exchange 9 million USD fundraising, as well as managing and implementing the main provisions of the 25 million USD Ecosystem Fund sponsored by Ninety Eight.
The fund will focus on supporting builders who have a shared vision of attracting users from Web2 to Web3. At the same time, the Arche Fund will prioritize selecting and assisting new projects in their start-up phase, with the main goal of improving the utility of the C98 token and advancing the development of the Ninety Eight ecosystem.

DAO: FrontierDAO

Furthermore, the Ninety Eight ecosystem serves as a sponsor for FrontierDAO, a project to establish a Web3 community and create employment opportunities in the cryptocurrency market in Vietnam. Its objective is to provide a nurturing environment for training young individuals with a strong interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain.
FrontierDAO has successfully organized several events, including UniTour at RMIT University and Foreign Trade University Campus II (FTU), as well as Aptos in Ho Chi Minh City. These events are designed to educate students and the community fabout the cryptocurrency market, and to contribute to the development of the blockchain industry.
FrontierDAO operates to cultivate and nurturing young talent who are passionate about cryptocurrency.

Ninety Eight's media channels

Ninety Eight's media channels serve as the voices that relay the message of the company to users in the community. Each channel has a different role and caters to various user segments. Currently, Ninety Eight has seven official media channels.

Coin98 Insights

Coin98 Insights is dedicated to analyzing and researching the crypto market to share knowledge and insights. This channel offers a wide range of content on different topics and difficulty levels to cater to all users, from beginners learning about investments to experienced individuals reading in-depth reports.
Additionally, Coin98 Insights is the largest media platform of Ninety Eight that features interviews with major projects in the industry to provide a variety of perspectives, opinions, and insights into the market.
The website structure of Coin98 Insights is designed to enhance the reader experience, with clear sections and series tailored for each reader segment:

  • Learn section: Covers crypto, blockchain, and investment knowledge for those new to the market.
  • Report section: Includes detailed reports on various branches, topics, and ecosystems within the market, featuring comprehensive information, statistical data, data analysis, and objective assessments by our team of research analysts.
  • The Model: Covers series designed to help readers understand the profit-making strategies employed by entities in the world of cryptocurrencies.
  • The Portfolio: Covers series that tracks the activities of major wallet addresses to derive valuable lessons, experiences, and information.
  • The Spotlight: Covers a series of interviews with genuine builders that focus on trending topics in the crypto industry.
  • The Truth: Covers a series that analyzes and clarifies misconceptions about crypto to ensure investors are well-informed before they invest.

Coin98 Insights is a channel dedicated to analysis and research in the cryptocurrency market.
Coin98 Insights also provides forums on multiple platforms that allow the community to seek clarifications for their queries, engage in discussions, or converse on topics relevant to the market. 

Coin98 Analytics

Coin98 Analytics is a channel that provides comprehensive data analysis of the cryptocurrency market in the form of infographics, making it easy for readers to understand insights. This channel primarily operates on platform X (formerly known as Twitter). Some notable content from Coin98 Analytics includes overviews of projects within various market ecosystems, a comparison of market shares of centralized exchanges (CEX) based on assets in reserves, rankings of blockchains, dApps, and projects in different categories based on the number of active wallet addresses, as well as summaries of projects in sectors such as NFTs, AI music, DeFi, Gaming, and more.
Coin98 Analytics channels:


MarginATM is a channel that provides news updates and analysis specifically designed for cryptocurrency traders. It is known for its quick delivery of crypto news and offers critical evaluations, observations, and trend analyses of token prices related to the news. Furthermore, MarginATM focuses on educating investors about trading, covering topics such as technical analysis, cash flow analysis, and trends surrounding Bitcoin and other altcoins.
MarginATM channels:

MarginATM is a news and analysis channel for traders in the crypto market.


Interlock is a dynamic and comprehensive news channel targeting all individuals involved in the cryptocurrency market. While MarginATM focuses on trading and traders, Interlock puts a stronger emphasis on news and content that offers personal perspectives and insights, including interviews with key opinion leaders (KOLs) and articles that provide information and present opinions on matters within the crypto market.
Furthermore, Interlock is committed to growing its YouTube channel, to inspire audiences from the 'Gen Z' and 'Gen Y' generations through content focused on finance and economics in the modern age.
Interlock channels: 

Interlock is a crypto news channel with personal content from KOLs

San Gem

San Gem is a channel tailored for users who specialize in finding airdrops and retroactive opportunities in the crypto space. Currently, it is one of the few channels addressing this niche in the Vietnamese crypto market.
San Gem constantly searches for and quickly updates new projects with high potential for airdrops and retroactive rewards for crypto users. It also provides detailed guides on the most effective strategies for airdrops to increase the chances of receiving rewards.
San Gem channels: 

San Gem is a channel specializing in hunting airdrops and retroactive in crypto


AmberBlocks is a publishing platform similar to Medium, but with a focus on the Web3 market. It was created to address the challenges faced by content creators and projects that are not supported by Medium in the Vietnamese market. Through AmberBlocks, developers and brands are able to create and maintain full ownership of their content. Currently, AmberBlocks serves as a content platform for various third parties, such as Aura Network, Yunero, FrontierDAO, and Impossible Finance, among others.
AmberBlocks is a content publishing platform similar to Medium but focused on the Web3 market


Layer2Gather is a specialized channel that collects and provides content and analytical data about Layer 2 projects in the cryptocurrency market. Similarly to Coin98 Analytics, Layer2Gather presents its findings in the form of infographics and primarily operates on platform X. Some of the notable features on Layer2Gather include:

  • Weekly Layer 2 Report: This is a weekly report on Layer 2, which includes updates on key projects such as Arbitrum, Optimism, and Base, as well as statistics such as Total Value Locked (TVL), Total Value Bridged (TVB), Netflow, and more.
  • Top protocols and dApps by active addresses, and transactions: This highlights prominent projects on Layer 2 blockchains based on the number of active wallet addresses or transaction volumes.
  • One Page: This feature offers a summary of information about a single Layer 2 project or blockchain.
  • Ecosystem: It provides an overview of the ecosystem of a blockchain or a specific sector, such as LSDFi or GameFi on Layer 2.

Layer2Gather channel: 

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