What does encryption means

25 May 2023

An encrypted message refers to a form of communication where the original message, also known as plaintext, is converted into a coded or scrambled form using encryption techniques. The purpose of encryption is to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the message, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access and understand its contents.

Encryption involves applying an algorithm or a series of mathematical operations to the plaintext, using a secret key or password. The resulting encrypted message, called ciphertext, appears as a random sequence of characters that is unreadable without the corresponding decryption key.

By encrypting a message, it becomes significantly more difficult for unauthorized individuals or attackers to intercept, interpret, or manipulate the information. Encryption is commonly used to secure sensitive data during transmission over networks (e.g., internet communications, emails) and to safeguard stored information (e.g., files, databases) from unauthorized access.

To read an encrypted message, the recipient must possess the correct decryption key or password, which reverses the encryption process and transforms the ciphertext back into the original plaintext. This ensures that only authorized individuals with the necessary key can access and understand the message's content while maintaining confidentiality and security.

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