Effects of Lack of Sleep on Mental Health

24 Dec 2022

It's no secret that sleep is essential for good physical health. Sleep deprivation has been linked to a number of negative health outcomes, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. But what effect does sleep have on mental health? Some psychiatric conditions can interfere with sleep, and sleep disturbances can exacerbate the symptoms of many mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.
According to research, the relationship between sleep and mental health is complicated. While sleep deprivation has long been recognized as a symptom of many psychiatric conditions, newer research suggests that it can also play a causal role in the development and maintenance of various mental health problems.

In other words, sleep problems can cause changes in mental health, but mental health issues can exacerbate sleep problems. Sleep deprivation may precipitate the onset of certain psychological conditions, though researchers are unsure of the underlying causes.

Mood Swings
Sleep deprivation can lead to mood swings, including irritability. As a result of sleep deprivation, participants in one study reported feelings of anxiety and depression.
According to research, a lack of sleep can lead to increased levels of rage and aggression. Because the brain cannot function normally when sleep-deprived, it cannot suppress the amygdala's reactivity (the emotional center of the brain).

To be continued...

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