
24 Dec 2022

I just realized that a lot of people are really really sad. 
I’ve been listening to songs a lot lately and I’ve come to realize that people are going through heartbreak of some kind and I wonder why I never actually saw that, maybe I just listened to song so fun, not necessarily looking at the lyrics.
I wasn’t able to listen to any kind of songs for the past two months or three months perhaps Because I’ve been, I mean I’ve been so sad and these songs actually hits a nerve, so I will either start crying or bawling when a song comes on. 
There’s a whole lot of heartbreak to go around 
I heard Adele song this evening, and I wept. Like my first reaction is to weep, I know it’s going to get better, but I’m sure by that time I would become a human devoid of liquid,  cause I done spend all my liquid on tears.

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