Pi Network Launches PiNet

16 Apr 2024


Connecting Pi Applications to the Open Internet
PiNet is a platform designed to connect Pi applications to the open internet, allowing users to access their Pi applications from anywhere in the world. This enables Pi Network to reach a larger global audience and deliver the benefits of Pi applications to more people.

The launch of PiNet opens doors for Pi users to access their applications without geographical limitations. Previously, access to Pi applications was often restricted by closed networks, but with PiNet, users can easily access Pi applications through the open internet, facilitating broader adoption and growth worldwide.

Strengthening Pi's Pi
With the launch of PiNet, Pi Network reaffirms its position as one of the most promising crypto projects today. Pi has evolved into a growing force in the crypto ecosystem, with millions of users trusting the platform. The launch of PiNet will only enhance Pi's attractiveness and utility worldwide.

The success of Pi Network stems from the commitment of its development team and support from its community. Since its launch in 2019, Pi Network has continued to grow rapidly, attracting interest from various sectors, from individual users to institutional investors. PiNet is a significant milestone in Pi Network's journey toward mass adoption and sustainable growth in the future.
Spread the Word and Trust Pi Network
As part of the Pi community, it's essential for us to spread the word about the launch of PiNet. By expanding access to Pi applications through the open internet, we can help more people worldwide access the benefits of this platform. Let's work together to expand the reach and power of Pi Network by spreading the news about PiNet to our friends and family.

The commitment to building an inclusive and open ecosystem is at the core of Pi Network's vision. With PiNet, Pi Network advances in realizing its vision to empower the global community with access to blockchain technology and crypto. This is a crucial step in expanding accessibility and opportunities for millions of people wo

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