The big profits are made in a bear market

24 Dec 2023

Profits often flourish in bear markets rather than bull markets—a well-worn adage, but a reality. Consider how many entered the crypto scene during the bullish peak, only to witness portfolios dwindle by at least 80%. It's a common tale.
Many struggle to identify opportunities amid market downturns and pervasive fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). Reflect on why a project that once thrived in a bull market now languishes, perhaps reduced to a mere "shitcoin."
Why not seize the chance to acquire tokens from a project now down by 90% from its all-time high? While a return to the previous peak isn't guaranteed, it's evident that in a bullish phase, people tend to buy. Anticipate the trend and buy before the crowd flocks in. Don't dismiss the imminent bull market just because the bearish phase has lingered for almost two years. Look around—asset managers aim for a Bitcoin spot ETF, regulatory challenges persist, and major players like Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal embrace blockchain technology. They are subtly accumulating, expecting a future bull run, a fact not to be forgotten amid the bearish haze.

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