A lost moment

31 Oct 2022

Deep said something usual and everyone burst into laughter. She was drinking water. She held her breath while smiling with her hands on her mouth. When her eyes were partially watery, her attention went to Sunil. That's when his attention went to her. Just one moment. There was something tender in his eyes in that one moment, and that exact moment she had captured. A thrill rose over her body. It felt as if a morpis had moved over the body. He too must have sensed her feeling something else. He quickly looked away. Making an excuse to fetch something, she quickly went into the inner room to compose herself.

Something different happened today for the first time in so many years. Deep, Sunil, Ajay and her husband Anya, are best friends since school and college. Everyone's marriages went well with a little difference. Then everyone's wives also became each other's friends. The four who had come together as husband and wife had now become very close friends. The chains had each other's support when they got stuck. Everyone used to gather together at least after eight and fifteen days. Walks, plays, movies, picnics were all together. All the children were about the same age. Therefore, their family get-togethers used to be just fun for everyone.
Today, like usual, everyone gathered at Ajay's place. Children were sitting on one side having fun watching cartoons. Everyone else was sitting and chatting in the hall, wherever they could find space.

In all these years, there was never a moment of difficulty like today. Sometimes, due to some work, another friend or someone's wife did not come, but the rest of the family would come. Sometimes there was someone like 'she' alone, or 'he' alone. But all the people got along well with each other. Someone used to let 'she' alone bring friends very easily. That much openness had come easily in so many years. Everyone should take responsibility for each other. But today something different happened. She felt something new. After drinking water, she recovered a bit and came out. But then the whole time they kept losing sight of each other.

In fact, both of them were happy in their respective worlds. She loved her husband and he loved his wife. She was a good mother of two children while he was also a father of a daughter. Both loved their homes.

When she woke up the next morning, she still felt something good. But the funny thing was that she didn't feel sneaky about it at all. Something new had happened. A liquid thrill rose over her body. She was doing her daily chores humming softly to herself. While getting ready for office today, she looked in the mirror a little longer than usual. She herself looked more beautiful than ever. A song started playing on the radio.

Humne dekhi hai un akhon ki mehkati khushboo
Haath se chuke ise rishto ka iljam na do
Sirp Ehsaas Hai Ye Rooh Se Mehsus Karo
Pyaar Ko Pyaar Hi Rehne Do Koi Naam Na Do.....

No one paid attention to her in the house. The children are busy with their own business and the husband is just busy with himself as usual. He got his things on time.

In her office, however, her best friend said, “You look different. What, did you get a facial or what? How much glow has come on the face!” She, of course, did not allow it to happen. But then she realized that the reason for her 'glow' is that no one in the house is paying attention to her and now after a long time she suddenly gets a look of appreciation from someone else.

In this house, our looks and intelligence are taken for granted. So she never gets any appreciation from home. Not by words and not by sight. But still, the next eight to ten days passed as if she were floating like this.

By the time it was time for the next family get together, she was fairly recovered. Her mind had taken over her. She realized that this crazy game of the mind should be stopped in time. Now she consciously decided to try it.

Sunil must have felt the same. When they met at Deep's house, Sunil himself sat near her and started chatting with her. Then she became free. Both of them came back to the previous level of friendship as they talked. The difficult moments between the two were over.

Smile si khili rahta hai aoho mein kahi
And the eyelids remain hidden from the light
Lip kuch khete nahin kampte lippon pe magar
How many people stay silent with regrets..
Just feel it
Pyaar Ko Pyaar Hi Rahne Do Koi Naam Na Do
Hum ne dekhi hai in aohn ki mehkati khushboo
Haat se chuke ise rishton ka illzam na do hum ne dekhi hai......
Haat se chuke ise rishton ka illzam na do hum ne dekhi hai......

The feelings of the last eight to ten days were erased in the leaves of the mind like Morpisa. There was clear moonlight outside. A lost moment, hidden deep in the bottle of memories.

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