yeni dunya düzeni

3 Jan 2024
Factors such as the rapid progress of technological developments, the increase in global trade, global problems such as climate change, new threats such as international terrorism, cyber security and digital transformation are effective in shaping the New World Order. These factors lead to significant changes in international relations and global politics.

New World Order is a concept often discussed about the future of global politics, economy and society. This concept is used to understand the impacts and drivers of political, economic, social and cultural changes around the world. There are many different views about the future of the New World Order, and the subject is quite complex and broad in scope.

Some proponents of the New World Order envision a world order based on universal values ​​such as global cooperation, sustainable development, democracy and human rights. According to this idea, cooperation and coordination at the global level is required to ensure peace, justice and prosperity in international relations. On the other hand, some critics argue that the New World Order may turn into a hegemonic structure by disrupting the international balance of power and threaten individual freedoms.

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