ADA and SOL Recognized as Securities in a Lawsuit while Data Show 35% of ADA holders are Profiteers.

23 Nov 2023

New SEC Lawsuit Against Kraken Recognized ADA and SOL as Securities.


The cryptocurrency landscape never sleeps, and the regulatory environment is often playing catch-up. In a recent development, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed a lawsuit against the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken, alleging that it offered unregistered securities to U.S. investors. The lawsuit also specifically names Cardano (ADA) and Solana (SOL) as two of the securities that were offered.

This is a significant development for the cryptocurrency industry, as it could have implications for the way that these assets are regulated and traded. It is also likely to raise concerns among investors who hold ADA and SOL.


The SEC has been increasingly active in the cryptocurrency space in recent years, taking action against several companies for allegedly offering unregistered securities. The agency has also issued guidance on how to classify cryptocurrencies, but there is still a lot of uncertainty in this area.

In the case of Kraken, the SEC alleges that the exchange offered unregistered securities through its staking program, which allows investors to earn rewards by locking up their ADA or SOL tokens. The SEC claims that Kraken failed to register these securities with the agency, and that the exchange also made false and misleading statements about the program.

Implications for ADA and SOL

The SEC's lawsuit against Kraken could have significant implications for ADA and SOL. If the SEC is successful in its case, it could mean that these assets would be subject to the same regulations as traditional securities. This could make them less attractive to investors, as it would increase the risk associated with holding them.

The SEC's actions could also lead to increased regulatory scrutiny of other cryptocurrency exchanges that offer staking programs. This could make it more difficult for investors to stake their tokens, and it could also lead to increased costs for exchanges.

Reaction from the Industry

The cryptocurrency industry has reacted with mixed feelings to the SEC's lawsuit against Kraken. Some industry participants have expressed concern about the SEC's actions, arguing that they could stifle innovation in the space. Others have welcomed the SEC's involvement, arguing that it is necessary to protect investors.

Cardano and Solana have also responded to the SEC's lawsuit. Cardano has said that it is "confident" that ADA is not a security, while Solana has said that it is "disappointed" with the SEC's allegations.


The SEC's lawsuit against Kraken is a significant development for the cryptocurrency industry. It is too early to say what the full impact of the lawsuit will be, but it is likely to have a major impact on the way that ADA and SOL are regulated and traded. Investors should be aware of the potential risks associated with holding these assets, and they should carefully consider their investment strategy in light of the SEC's actions.

Additional Notes

•The SEC's lawsuit against Kraken is still in its early stages, and it is possible that the parties will reach a settlement before it goes to trial.

•The SEC's classification of ADA and SOL as securities is not binding, and other courts could reach different conclusions.

•The cryptocurrency industry is constantly evolving, and it is possible that the regulatory landscape will change significantly in the years to come.

Cardano's Resilience: One in Three Holders Emerge Profiteers Amidst Market Volatility

Cardano, the third-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has recently exhibited remarkable resilience in the face of ongoing market volatility. Despite the overall downturn in the crypto landscape, Cardano's native token, ADA, has managed to hold its value relatively well, and a significant portion of its holders are now in profit.

According to data from blockchain analytics firm IntoTheBlock, approximately one out of three Cardano holders is currently holding a profitable position. This represents a substantial increase from the previous 5% of holders who were "in the money" in September 2023. This positive shift can be attributed to several factors, including:

Cardano's Strong Fundamentals: Cardano has consistently demonstrated robust fundamentals, with a scalable and secure blockchain infrastructure, a growing developer ecosystem, and a strong community backing.

Recent Developments and Partnerships: Cardano has witnessed a surge in activity in recent months, with the launch of new projects, partnerships, and developments on its network. These advancements have instilled confidence among investors and contributed to ADA's price stability.

Long-Term Holder Behavior: A significant portion of Cardano holders are long-term investors who remain committed to the project's long-term vision. Their unwavering support has played a crucial role in stabilizing the token's price and preventing sharp selloffs.

While the current market conditions remain challenging, Cardano's positive performance and the growing profitability of its holders suggest that the project is well-positioned to weather the storm and emerge stronger in the long run.

A Deeper Look into Cardano's Holder Distribution.

IntoTheBlock's data provides further insights into the distribution of profits among Cardano holders. While 33% of holders are currently in profit, the remaining 67% are still holding unrealized losses. Among these, 60% are considered "Out of the Money," while 7% are breakeven.

Interestingly, the majority of Cardano holders (64%) have been long-term investors for over a year, indicating their belief in the project's long-term potential. Additionally, only 34% of wallet addresses holding ADA are classified as "investors" or "whales," suggesting that a large portion of ADA is held by individual investors, contributing to the project's decentralized nature.

Cardano's Future Prospects

The recent positive developments surrounding Cardano have instilled optimism among its community and investors. The project's strong fundamentals, growing ecosystem, and long-term holder support position it well for continued growth and success in the increasingly competitive cryptocurrency landscape.

As Cardano continues to evolve and introduce new features and capabilities, it is likely to attract more users and developers, further expanding its network and strengthening its position in the blockchain industry. The project's potential to revolutionize various industries, such as finance, supply chain management, and healthcare, adds to its long-term growth prospects.


Despite the challenges posed by the current market conditions, Cardano has demonstrated remarkable resilience and continues to attract new investors and users. The fact that one out of three Cardano holders is currently in profit is a testament to the project's strong fundamentals and the long-term belief of its community. As Cardano continues to innovate and expand its ecosystem, it is well-positioned to emerge as a leading force in the blockchain revolution.

"Investors should stay informed about the latest developments in the cryptocurrency industry, and they should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions."

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