Interesting Survival Stories

9 Apr 2024

1. Phineas Gage was working as a construction worker on the railroad in 1852. One day while working, Gage got distracted and turned away.

At that moment, the iron rod Gage was holding touched a nearby rock and sparked. It ignited the fuse, causing an explosion. The rod shot upward and entered Gage's left cheek and exited through his skull. Gage miraculously survived and quickly recovered.

2. South African Christine McKenzie was an experienced paratrooper. But things went wrong when she made her 112th jump.

As he was coming down after jumping, he tried to pull out the parachute, as he had done 111 times before . However, the parachute did not open. Then he tried to open the reserve parachute and it did not open either. He was falling 600 meters down and could only see the approaching  power  lines. While it was normally expected that he would have been electrocuted, it turned out that the power lines facilitated his fall without electrocuting him. To his shock, his friends found him on the floor, cracking jokes and complaining about his aching bones.

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