Insomnia Labs Teams Up with Web3 Innovators

20 Oct 2023

New York-based technology company Insomnia Labs has made waves in the industry by teaming up with the web3 consortium of companies, including Co:Create, Smart Token Labs, Cookie3 and Crossmint, to introduce a cutting-edge branded loyalty initiative. like Loyalty+.
In an official announcement shared with on October 18, Insomnia Labs unveiled Loyalty+ as a breakthrough project that uses a range of web3 technologies, including blockchain, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and artificial intelligence, to rejuvenate conventional loyalty systems.

Loyalty+ is the only centralized online hub where customers can access and redeem points in various loyalty programs. In addition, it offers a tailored experience by leveraging on- and off-chain data insights to deliver unparalleled user interactions.
According to Insomnia’s statement, the Loyalty+ ecosystem plans to incorporate gamification elements with the help of a dedicated API provided by Co:Create. In addition, Smart Token Labs will play a critical role in creating user identities and facilitating the transition from traditional web platforms to web3 environments.

What drives Loyalty+ at its core is blockchain technology and platform interoperability, effectively removing the traditional silos associated with multiple loyalty programs. This opens the door for cross-brand promotions and innovative marketing campaigns.
Since its founding in 2021, Insomnia Labs has established successful partnerships with industry giants such as L’Oréal’s NYX Professional Makeup, Under Armour, Coca-Cola and prominent web3 entities such as OpenSea, Web3 Ventures and Polygon.

Some industry experts see these partnerships as a reflection of the growing interest in merging conventional and web3 elements to significantly improve the customer experience.

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