The Mystic of My Love

21 Feb 2023

Know that I will always love you

From the ends of the world My love will ache

To behold your face and heart like nothing before 

Holding your hands and kissing your lips will always click in My mind

Remembering how we laid with each other 

With our skin clashing on each other

With My breath pressing on top you 

With the deepest and truest of love

I close My eyes and remember the promises we made

Then it drops like the droplets of rain 

The pains and suffering we shared together 

There on the lovers bed we found relief and enjoyment 

It was there that pains were slain for the two of us whole

Where the truest parts of our hearts were exposed

All there it was made plain for us behold

My heart keeps speaking for you 

Looking for a time for us to be reunited 

In a land full of abundance and there we call our own promised land

If it’s wrong then I chose to be wrong with you

If it’s bad then I choose to be by your side

Because this is where I have peace 

It’s with you that My soul rejoices 

I have found a melody right by your side

And the best of treasures which I cherish for the rest of the ages 

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