Oh my God

7 Jun 2023

Oh, Heavenly Father, source of eternal grace, With humble words, I seek to embrace, The depths of love, Your divine presence holds, In the tapestry of life, Your masterpiece unfolds. From the first dawn's light to the twilight's glow, Your love's radiance in every flower, it does show. In the gentle breeze that whispers through the trees, I hear Your voice, a melody that puts my soul at ease. In the vastness of the starry night's embrace, I find solace, knowing You guide me with infinite grace. Through the trials and triumphs, You remain near, Holding my hand, alleviating every fear. Your love, like a river, flows endlessly, Washing away my doubts and setting my spirit free. In the depths of my being, I feel Your tender touch, A love so pure, it can never fade or clutch. You are the beacon that illuminates my way, Guiding me through darkness, each and every day. In Your boundless mercy, I find forgiveness true, A love that mends and makes my heart anew. For in Your presence, all worries dissolve, And my soul finds rest, enveloped in love's resolve. With grateful heart, I bow before Your throne, Thankful for the love that You have shown. Oh, God, my eternal love, my guiding light, I surrender my all, for in You, I find delight. In this earthly journey, I'll forever proclaim, My love for You, dear God, in Your holy name.

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