Agricultural Machinery Explained in Details

28 Jan 2023


Agricultural machinery refers to the tools and equipment used in farming and other agricultural activities. These machines range from simple hand-held tools to large, complex machines that are used to perform a variety of tasks. Some common types of agricultural machinery include tractors, plows, harvesters, and irrigation equipment.

Different Types of agricultural machinery:

Tractors are one of the most versatile and widely used types of agricultural machinery. They are typically used for tasks such as plowing, tilling, planting, and harvesting. Tractors come in a variety of sizes and styles, including small, compact tractors for use on small farms, and large, heavy-duty tractors for use on large commercial farms. Tractors can also be equipped with a variety of attachments and implements, such as plows, harrows, cultivators, and seeders, to perform different tasks.
Plows are another important type of agricultural machinery. They are used to turn over the soil, which helps to aerate the soil and prepare it for planting. There are several different types of plows available, including moldboard plows, chisel plows, and disk plows. Moldboard plows are the most traditional type of plow, and are typically used for breaking up hard, compact soil. Chisel plows and disk plows, on the other hand, are used for less aggressive tillage, and are typically used in areas with lighter soils.
Harvesters are used to collect and gather crops once they are ready for harvest. There are several different types of harvesters available, including combines, threshers, and reapers. Combines are the most common type of harvester, and are typically used for harvesting grains such as wheat, corn, and barley. Threshers, on the other hand, are used for separating the grain from the straw, while reapers are used for cutting and gathering crops such as hay.
Irrigation equipment is used to provide water to crops in order to help them grow. There are several different types of irrigation equipment available, including sprinkler systems, drip irrigation systems, and flood irrigation systems. Sprinkler systems are the most common type of irrigation equipment, and are typically used for large, open areas. Drip irrigation systems, on the other hand, are used for smaller areas, and are typically used for crops that are grown in rows. Flood irrigation systems are used to flood an entire field with water, and are typically used for crops such as rice.
Other types of agricultural machinery include hay balers, which are used to compress hay into bales for easy storage and transport, and manure spreaders, which are used to distribute manure over fields as fertilizer.
In addition to the traditional types of agricultural machinery, there are also many new and innovative technologies being developed to help farmers increase productivity and efficiency. For example, precision agriculture technologies such as GPS-guided tractors, drones, and sensor-based systems are being used to help farmers better manage their land, crops, and resources.

History, Development:

The history of agricultural machinery dates back to the invention of the plow, which was one of the first tools used to help farmers till the soil and prepare it for planting. The plow was a significant development in early agriculture, as it allowed farmers to cultivate larger areas of land more efficiently and effectively.
In the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution led to the development of new and improved agricultural machinery, including the steam-powered tractor, which was invented by John Froelich in 1892. This was a major breakthrough in the history of agricultural machinery, as it allowed farmers to perform a variety of tasks more efficiently and effectively than ever before.
In the 20th century, the development of internal combustion engines and the widespread use of the automobile led to the widespread adoption of tractors on farms. This was a significant development, as it allowed farmers to perform a variety of tasks with much greater speed and efficiency than was possible with traditional horse-drawn equipment.
During the second half of the 20th century, many companies emerged and developed specialized agricultural machinery to meet the growing demand of farmers. Some of the major companies in the agricultural machinery industry include John Deere, Case IH, and New Holland. These companies have a long history of producing high-quality, reliable tractors and other agricultural equipment.

In recent years, new technologies such as precision agriculture and the use of drones, GPS and sensor-based systems, precision irrigation systems and other automation technologies have developed and many companies have started to produce these technologies for farmers.


  • Increased efficiency: Agricultural machinery allows farmers to perform a variety of tasks more quickly and efficiently than with manual labor alone.
  • Increased productivity: The use of machinery can help farmers to increase their crop yields and produce more food per acre of land.
  • Reduced labor costs: The use of machinery can help to reduce labor costs by allowing farmers to perform tasks with fewer workers.
  • Improved quality of life: Agricultural machinery can help farmers to reduce the physical demands of farming and improve their overall quality of life.
  • Better land management: Precision agriculture and other modern technologies allow farmers to better manage their land, resources and crops and use them efficiently.
  • Weather protection: Many agricultural machinery includes features such as cabins, air conditioning and heating, which protect farmers from harsh weather conditions.
  • Low maintenance: Agricultural machinery is designed for heavy use, and often require less maintenance than manual tools.

  • Cost-effective: Agricultural machinery can be a cost-effective investment over time as it can help farmers to improve yields and reduce costs.
  • Variety of tasks: Agricultural machinery can be used for a wide range of tasks such as planting, harvesting, plowing, tilling and others.
  • Reduced environmental impact: The use of modern technologies such as precision agriculture and precision irrigation systems can help to reduce water consumption, fertilizer usage, and soil erosion.


  • High initial costs: Agricultural machinery can be expensive to purchase, and farmers may need to invest a significant amount of money upfront to purchase the equipment they need.
  • Maintenance costs: Agricultural machinery requires regular maintenance and repairs, which can be costly over time.
  • Dependence on machinery: The use of agricultural machinery can create a dependence on the equipment, making it difficult for farmers to perform tasks without it. This can become a problem if the machinery breaks down or is unavailable.
  • Environmental impact: The use of agricultural machinery can have a negative impact on the environment, particularly if it is not used or maintained properly. For example, heavy machinery can compact soil, which can lead to soil erosion and degradation over time.
  • Risk of accidents: Agricultural machinery can be dangerous if not used properly, and farmers need to be trained and follow the safety guidelines to prevent accidents. Moreover, the heavy machinery can lead to damage to the land, crops and other assets and injuries if not operated with care.


In conclusion, agricultural machinery has played a vital role in the development of modern agriculture. The use of machinery has allowed farmers to increase efficiency and productivity, reduce labor costs, and improve the overall quality of life. However, agricultural machinery also has its drawbacks, including high initial costs, maintenance costs, dependence on machinery, environmental impact, and risk of accidents. Therefore, it's important for farmers to carefully consider the costs and benefits before investing in agricultural machinery and use it responsibly to maximize its potential benefits while minimizing the negative impact.

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