Maximize Your Profits with the DFC Liquidity Pool

21 Jan 2024

Liquidity supply in the DFC pool

We have already held a liquidity lockup campaign for DFC, which was participated by many people and over 800,000 LP tokens were locked. Now we have prepared new terms for liquidity providers with additional profitability.

On in the "Pools" section, new liquidity pools with additional profitability (with the 🎁 icon) have appeared, including the DFC/TON pool.

For each subsequent liquidity supply, providers will receive 200 $ARBUZ (~$737) daily. To do this, you need to purchase DFC, go to the "Pools" section and select the DFC/TON pair. It's the second one on the list 😉 Then click on the "Deposit" button and add liquidity in a 1:1 ratio.

Tomorrow, on the same page, a "Claim" button will appear after clicking it, you will receive a reward for providing liquidity in the DFC/TON pair.

Total campaign budget: 6200 $ARBUZ (~$24,000)
Campaign duration: 31 days (18.01 - 18.02)

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