21 Aug 2022

The most secure non-custodial Ethereum browser extension wallet is BlockWallet.

In a decentralized, frictionless, and non-custodial manner, BlockWallet enables the user to seamlessly engage with privacy smart contracts on Ethereum to conceal the amounts and the sources of cryptocurrency stored.

The issue of transaction privacy in cryptocurrency is resolved with BlockWallet. Every time you request a withdrawal, Blank will generate a fresh wallet address for you with the specified cryptocurrency. This address comes from the smart contract that collects everyone's money. Cryptographic proofs are used throughout to ensure that the user and the original depositing address cannot be connected.

With the growth of cryptocurrency transactions, on-chain transaction privacy is a hot topic to prevent identity exposure. The solution that Blank has built enables every feature that other wallets provide while providing the highest level of protection for your cryptocurrency transactions.

Anyone may quickly and easily install BlockWallet and begin enjoying its privacy advantages. In addition to supporting smart contracts, BlockWallet provides more anonymity thanks to its interaction with Tor.

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