Stop Using Plastic Containers for Food

13 Jul 2023

Stop Using Plastic Covers

20 Reasons Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned :

Humans are facing a crisis with plastic bags. They are one of the greatest risks to the environment despite their practicality and versatility. Governments like China have banned plastics, and others have made it illegal to use certain types of bags. Despite the many applications, there’s no shortage of reasons why plastic bags should be banned.

  1. Plastic bags pollute land and water

Plastic bags are lightweight. They travel far and wide by wind and water. They are not easy to decompose, which means they are left lying all around and floating on oceans and lakes.

2.They are made from non-renewable sources
The raw materials used to make plastic are extracted from natural gas and petroleum. These are non-renewable sources, and their extraction and production emit greenhouse gases that contribute to global change.

3They require a lot of energy to produce

The energy required to produce nine plastic bags is enough to drive a car for one kilometre. Considering they have a short useful life, it’s unfortunate that so much energy is used in making them.

  1. Plastic bags are toxic

Plastic bags contain a variety of toxic and harmful chemicals that not only affect the environment but can also affect how our bodies function.

  1. They don’t degrade

Plastic bags don’t decompose. The best they do is get broken down into small pieces that are often airborne and land in oceans.

  1. Plastic bags are dangerous to wild and marine life

Once they land in oceans and forests, plastic bags are eaten by animals, causing various health issues, which often result in death.

  1. Plastic bags are harmful to human health

Plastic bags contain chemicals that can lead to severe health conditions like cancer when ingested.

  1. Plastic bags are not easy to recycle

The recycling rate for plastic bags is about 5%, which is extremely low. What’s more, plastic bags can’t be reduced to their organic state. Once created, they remain in their synthetic state throughout.

  1. Plastic bags are produced in massive quantities

Plastic bag production is too high because they are in high demand, most of which end up in landfills, oceans, and waterways.

  1. Consumers are reluctant about recycling plastic bags

Most consumers will toss their plastic bags in the trash or leave them to be blown by the wind. Banning them makes them easier to manage.

  1. Plastic bags are disposable

We can all do without plastic bags. There are other options.

  1. Plastic bags clog storm drains

Plastic bags find their way to the drainage and sewer system and eventually block them.

  1. Plastic bags are a major contributor to landfills

A plastic bag ban would be a big relief on the pressure landfills are experiencing at the moment.

  1. Bans can reduce plastic bag waste

A ban would not only reduce plastic bag waste but plastic waste in general.

  1. A ban can help keep the environment clean

Most of the trash on the streets comprises of plastic bags. Banning them would keep the streets and the environment cleaner.

  1. It can save money

Producing plastic bags is very expensive. There are other more affordable options on the market. Banning plastic could help to save money.

  1. It is a proven approach in some countries

Some countries have banned plastic bags with plenty of success, opening up the option to other countries.

  1. A ban will raise awareness

A plastic bans would shine the light on the effects of plastic bags creating awareness on their negative impact on the environment.

  1. The ban would be easy to apply

Because there are other alternatives to plastic bags like cotton and jute bags, making a transition would be easy.

  1. It would be a big relief to the governments

Many governments are currently trying to solve environmental challenges. Banning plastic bags would mean they have one less pollutant to deal with.
There you have it. 20 reasons why plastic bags should be banned for the better of the environment and the economy.

☰ The Countries Banning Plastic Bags

Global plastic waste
According to a United Nations paper and several media reports, 77 countries in the world have passed some sort of full or partial ban on plastic bags. While plastic bag bans are especially popular in Africa, a majority of the 32 countries who have opted instead to charge a fee (or tax) to limit plastic bag use are located in Europe.

Developing countries have been more likely to outright ban certain types of plastic bags since they are dealing with the mismanagement of plastic waste more. Africa has been most prominent among them since it lacks a strong lobby of plastic producers.
Notable exceptions to the trend are France, Austria, Italy and - from 2022 onward - Germany, which have banned certain types of thin plastic bags and require them to be replaced with compostable ones - a very popular type of plastic bag ban around the world.

While the severity of plastic bag bans varies from country to country, only some places have outright banned all non-compostable plastic bags. Many countries exempt sturdier, easier-to-reuse plastic bags from their bans while simultanously requiring customers to pay a fee for those bags. Other restrictions that can be part of bans are limits on the production or import of plastic bags.
China is already listed as a country with a plastic bag ban since it outlawed thin plastic bags in 2008 and at the same time started to enforce a fee for sturdier bags. In early 2020, China announced it will substantially extent its laws to combat plastic bag use, first banning all non-compostable bags in major cities by the end of 2020 and extending this ban to the entire country by 2022.

The U.S. and Australia still lack country-wide bans or fees on plastic bags, even though those laws have been implemented in some states. India, which is also working on a new plastic bag ban after previous attempts remained unenforced, put plans on hold because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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