Color Psychology

21 Nov 2022
What is Color Psychology?

Color psychology is the study of how colors affect emotions and behavior. It demonstrates how color affects your moods and may even be included in your wellness practices.

Ancient origins of color psychology

Color has long attracted people and has been recognized for its ability to influence moods and well-being. The color was used to evoke emotions, aid in spiritual rituals, and treat various ailments in ancient Egypt, China, and Greece. While the nature of color was unknown, its tremendous impacts were obvious.

Modern understanding of colors

Color may now be explained scientifically. When Isaac Newton set a prism in sunlight and watched a rainbow emerge on the other side, he discovered that white light is made up of many colors. He introduced the color wheel and outlined how a particular wavelength of light determines each color in his 1704 book Opticks.

Color Can Influence Performance

Certain colors have also been found in studies to have an effect on performance. Although no one enjoys seeing a graded test smeared in red ink, one study discovered that viewing the color red before taking an exam significantly decreased test performance.

While the color red is frequently portrayed as frightening, stimulating, or thrilling, past research on the hue's impact has been mainly inconclusive.


[1] webmd, 'What is Color Psychology?' (online, 2022) <>

[2] Verywellmind, 'Color Psychology: Does It Affect How You Feel? How Colors Impact Moods, Feelings, and Behaviors?' (online, 2022) <>

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