Berachain Airdrop Guide

13 Jan 2024

1- What is the highly talked-about Berachain?

Berachain is a new Layer1 blockchain created using the Cosmos SDK, EVM-compatible, and supported by Proof-of-Liquidity.
Berachain has a three-token system, consisting of $BERA (native token), $HONEY (native stablecoin), and $BGT (non-transferable Bera Governance Token). Users who stake Bera or other allowed tokens can earn BGT over time as a reward for their participation in governance, and they can also manage the Honey produced by the chain's architecture.

2- How to participate in the potential Airdrop?

  1. Visit the website with your EVM wallet and request test tokens $BERA for testnet transactions from the faucet (You can request 0.25 BERA test tokens every 8 hours):
  2. Conduct token swap transactions on the decentralized Berachain exchange at (also swap some to STGUSDC) and add liquidity to the pool. More transactions result in better rewards.
  3. Mint HONEY with STGUSDC tokens:
  4. Borrow $HONEY by lending through and later execute transactions by repaying the borrowed amount.
  5. Open and close long-short positions on the leveraged exchange at
  6. Complete the project's Galxe tasks for additional rewards if you have the time:

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