Bitcoin celebrates its 15th birthday: From a price of less than 1 cent to 43,000 USD

6 Jan 2024

January 3, 2024 marks the 15th anniversary of the birth of the world's largest virtual currency. Looking back, Bitcoin has had an incredible journey, from an unknown virtual currency costing less than a cent to a globally recognized currency priced at $43,000.

Big moment
It all actually started in 2008, when a mysterious individual named Satoshi Nakamoto published a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer digital currency system". This document is less than 10 pages long but is the first brick that lays the foundation to create the virtual currency industry.
In it, Satoshi Nakamoto announced that he was creating a completely peer-to-peer digital currency system, without the need for a third party. According to him, this currency has a number of benefits such as preventing double spending fraud without the involvement of intermediaries and each Bitcoin will be minted through a "hashcash-style Proof-of-work" mechanism. At that time, Satoshi Nakamoto's idea of ​​eliminating intermediaries caused a wave of intense controversy

Become History
On January 3, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first block in the Bitcoin Blockchain, earning a reward of 50 BTC. At that time, the price of Bitcoin was less than 1 US cent. Few people knew that this event would lay the foundation for a cryptocurrency market currently worth trillions of dollars.

As of January 3 (US time), Bitcoin fluctuated around 43,000 USD and had a total market capitalization of 846 billion USD.

From a currency that few people know about and is despised by many experts, Bitcoin has now become a globally recognized virtual currency. The technology behind it also opens up a series of technology trends from Blockchain, NFT, Web3 to Metaverse, DeFi and DAO.

On account X, Binance celebrates with the virtual currency community on Bitcoin's 15th birthday.

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