Food Allergy Treatment and Tests

9 Feb 2024

Food allergies have increased in recent years and continue to increase. Food allergy, which affects people of all ages, is especially common in childhood. Food allergy; It causes the immune system to see a generally harmless substance that enters the body as harmful. The immune system thinks that the body is in danger and produces antibodies to deal with this substance. As a result of this situation, an allergic reaction occurs. Food allergy; It causes symptoms such as vomiting or stomach cramps, hives, wheezing, shortness of breath, recurrent cough, weak pulse, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, feeling faint. You may experience just one or more of these symptoms at the same time. The severity of symptoms may vary from person to person, and some people may experience mild symptoms while others may experience very serious symptoms. Anaphylaxis, a rare symptom, can pose a life-threatening risk and cause death.

How to Treat Food Allergy?

One of the best ways to treat food allergies is to stay away from the allergen. Allergen; It is a substance that causes an allergic reaction by activating the immune system. However, there may be situations where it is not always possible to avoid allergens. In such cases, some methods can be followed under the supervision of an allergist. For example, by nutritional loading, it can provide immunity against the food that causes an allergic reaction. However, all methods should be carried out under the supervision and control of an allergist. Food allergies can have serious consequences. Your allergist may prescribe an auto-injector that you can carry with you in case you have a severe allergic reaction. In which situations this auto-injector will be used and how it will be used will be explained to you in detail. Although there is no definitive food allergy treatment that will eliminate food allergy, you can control your food allergy. With the help of an allergy dietitian, you can regulate your diet and prepare a program to manage your allergies.

Food Allergy Test

There are some tests and methods used to diagnose food allergy. These tests and methods are determined under the control of an allergist and according to your current condition. First of all, your allergist will perform a careful examination and listen to your medical history. Subsequently, some tests may be applied.

Skin test:

A skin prick test can determine your body's response to a particular food. In this test, a small amount of the food suspected of causing an allergic reaction is placed on the skin of your arm or back. A needle is then inserted into your skin to penetrate this substance beneath the surface of your skin. If you are allergic to the substance used in the test, blistering or other reactions may occur. Depending on the situation in the application area, it is determined whether you are allergic to that food. Since an allergic reaction can have serious consequences, this test must be performed under expert control and in places where the necessary equipment is available.

Blood test:

A blood test can measure your immune system's response to certain foods by measuring the allergy-related antibody known as immunoglobulin E (IgE). The blood sample is examined in a medical laboratory where different foods can be tested.

Elimination diet:

On this diet, you may be asked to eliminate questionable foods from your diet for a week or two and then add them back into your diet, one at a time, in a controlled manner. This process helps associate your symptoms with specific foods. In some cases, your allergy doctor may prescribe you to eat small but increasing amounts of the food suspected to cause allergy. If you do not have any reaction to the given food, you may not be allergic to this food.

Where is Food Allergy Testing Done?

Food allergies can have very serious consequences that can be life-threatening and lead to death. If you show any of the symptoms of food allergy, you should definitely see an allergist. Food allergy tests vary and vary depending on the individual's condition. Food allergy tests must be performed under the supervision of an allergist. Having the necessary team and equipment to respond to possible complications in the allergist's clinic or office prevents potentially serious consequences.

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