ZetaChain Airdrop Claim Opened

1 Feb 2024

We would like to make an exciting announcement regarding the launch of ZetaChain Mainnet Beta! Eligible users can claim the ZETA they have earned on ZetaHub: https://hub.zetachain.com/claim

The ZetaChain Mainnet Beta launch announcement outlines several key points and features:

  1. Overview of ZetaChain Mainnet Beta: ZetaChain's Mainnet Beta is described as a fully functional network that connects Bitcoin, Ethereum Mainnet, and BNB Chain. It allows developers to deploy Omnichain Smart Contracts using the ZRC-20 primitive without wrapping or locking tokens.
  2. Introduction of ZetaHub: ZetaHub serves as an entry point for users to engage with ZetaChain and its ecosystem. It includes features such as governance, proof of stake, and access to the ZetaChain dApp ecosystem. Users can track their on-chain activity through Zeta XP rewards.
  3. ZETA Token: Eligible users can claim ZETA tokens through ZetaHub. ZETA is an omnichain token that exists on ZetaChain, Ethereum Mainnet, or any connected smart contract chain. Users can also send ZETA between networks and access tutorials on how to use ZETA.
  4. XP Launch Campaign: ZetaHub launches a 30-day global XP campaign to celebrate the Mainnet Beta launch. XP is a level-up system and loyalty program based on on-chain user activity. Users can earn XP by interacting with ZetaHub through various activities.
  5. Community Members with Boosted XP: Users who participated in ZetaLabs testnet and other testnet programs are eligible for boosted XP in the XP program.
  6. Involvement of ZetaChain Apps in the XP Program: The XP program is open to ecosystem app partners interested in engaging with the ZetaChain community. Details about the application and onboarding process for apps are expected to be released.
  7. About ZetaChain: ZetaChain is described as a simple, fast, and secure omnichain blockchain aiming to implement the concept of chain abstraction. It enables interoperable dApps across multiple chains and aims to build a platform for global access, simplicity, and utility across any blockchain.

The announcement also provides links to additional resources, including tutorials, documentation, and ZetaChain's social media channels for further engagement and information.
Those who want to earn xp and participate in the points system can participate in the points request by clicking the link below.

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