Lovely Story

21 Dec 2023

When I came home in the evening, I saw a cowshed written in big letters in front of my room door. After seeing the text, I understood that the younger sister has come home from the hostel. I started shouting and calling my mother. My younger sister came and said, -- Why are you doing this like a cow? Hearing the words of the younger sister, the mood became bad. I got angry and said, Do you mean like a cow? Do I feel like your cow? And why did you write the cowshed in front of the door of my room? Hearing my words, the younger sister said, -- Why, don't you consider yourself a man these days? You were a cow before, you are still there and you will be in the future. And the reason why I have written cowshed in front of the door is that no relative should enter your room by mistake. If someone walks into your room, he will first feel dizzy after seeing your room and then immediately faint from the smell of your sweaty clothes. So I have already written. After listening to my younger sister, I did not say anything to her. I know he will clean up this cattle house and convert it into a human house So I quietly went to the washroom. I started thinking to myself that the last sheep said to me that he should be taught a lesson.

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