
14 May 2024

In the vast realm of Disney adaptations, "Cruella" emerges as a daring departure from the conventional narrative arc, offering a fresh perspective on one of the most iconic villains in cinematic history. Directed by Craig Gillespie, this 2021 American crime comedy film delves into the origins of Cruella de Vil, famously known as the antagonist in Dodie Smith's 1956 novel "The Hundred and One Dalmatians" and Disney's animated adaptation.

Cast players of the movie:

  • Emma Stone as Estella / Cruella de Vil: Emma Stone takes on the dual role of Estella, a young and ambitious fashion designer, and her alter ego, Cruella de Vil. Stone brings depth and charisma to both characters, portraying Estella's journey from a determined outsider to the flamboyant and cunning Cruella.
  • Emma Thompson as the Baroness von Hellman: Emma Thompson portrays the formidable Baroness von Hellman, a renowned fashion designer and Cruella's primary rival. Thompson's performance is commanding and nuanced, capturing the Baroness's icy demeanor and ruthless ambition.
  • Joel Fry as Jasper Badun: Joel Fry stars as Jasper Badun, a loyal friend and accomplice to Estella/Cruella. Fry brings charm and wit to the role, portraying Jasper as a street-smart ally who is fiercely protective of his chosen family.
  • Paul Walter Hauser as Horace Badun: Paul Walter Hauser portrays Horace Badun, Jasper's partner-in-crime and another member of Estella/Cruella's inner circle. Hauser infuses the character with humor and warmth, creating a lovable rogue who adds levity to the film.
  • Mark Strong as John: Mark Strong plays John, the loyal valet to the Baroness von Hellman who becomes entangled in Cruella's schemes. Strong brings gravitas to the role, portraying John as a man torn between duty and loyalty to his employer.
  • Emily Beecham as Catherine de Vil: Emily Beecham appears as Catherine de Vil, Estella's mother, whose tragic death sets the events of the film in motion. Beecham imbues the character with warmth and vulnerability, providing insight into Estella's troubled past.
  • Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Anita Darling: Kirby Howell-Baptiste portrays Anita Darling, a journalist and childhood friend of Estella/Cruella. Howell-Baptiste brings intelligence and wit to the role, serving as both a confidante and a moral compass for the protagonist.
  • Jamie Demetriou as Gerald: Jamie Demetriou appears as Gerald, the flamboyant owner of a vintage clothing store frequented by Estella/Cruella. Demetriou delivers a memorable performance, infusing Gerald with eccentricity and charm.
  • John McCrea as Artie: John McCrea stars as Artie, a flamboyant fashion designer and friend to Estella/Cruella. McCrea brings energy and flair to the role, portraying Artie as a creative spirit who embraces individuality.
  • Kayvan Novak as Roger: Kayvan Novak appears as Roger, a talented musician who becomes entangled in Cruella's world. Novak brings sensitivity to the role, capturing Roger's passion for music and his connection to the film's central themes.

Overall Assessment

Set against the vibrant backdrop of 1970s London, "Cruella" introduces viewers to Estella (played by Emma Stone), a young and ambitious fashion designer with a flair for the unconventional. Through a series of events, Estella's alter ego, Cruella, gradually emerges, embodying rebellion and a relentless pursuit of creative freedom. The film intricately weaves together elements of fashion, music, and rebellion, painting a vivid portrait of a complex character navigating the murky waters of ambition and revenge.

One of the film's most striking aspects is its portrayal of Cruella not merely as a one-dimensional villain, but as a multifaceted individual shaped by her past traumas and aspirations. Emma Stone's compelling performance brings depth and nuance to the character, capturing the audience's sympathy even as Cruella embraces her darker impulses. Moreover, the film explores themes of identity, belonging, and the transformative power of self-expression, resonating with audiences of all ages.

Central to "Cruella" is its stunning visual aesthetics, characterized by extravagant costumes, elaborate set designs, and a soundtrack featuring iconic hits from the '60s and '70s. The fashion-forward narrative pays homage to the world of haute couture while subverting traditional gender norms and expectations. From Cruella's flamboyant ensembles to the eccentric designs showcased in her fashion shows, the film celebrates individuality and creativity in all its forms.

In addition to Emma Stone's standout performance, the film boasts a stellar supporting cast including Emma Thompson as the formidable Baroness von Hellman, Mark Strong as the loyal valet John, and Joel Fry and Paul Walter Hauser as Cruella's partners-in-crime, Jasper and Horace. Together, they bring depth and dimension to the story, elevating it beyond a mere retelling of a classic tale.

While "Cruella" offers a fresh perspective on its titular character, it also pays homage to the original source material, incorporating subtle nods and references that will delight fans of the classic animated film. However, it's important to note that "Cruella" stands on its own as a bold and inventive reinterpretation, offering something new and unexpected for both longtime enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

In conclusion, "Cruella" transcends the boundaries of a traditional Disney adaptation, delivering a captivating tale of ambition, creativity, and redemption. With its stellar performances, stunning visuals, and thematic richness, the film marks a triumph for Disney in redefining the portrayal of villainy on screen. As Cruella herself famously quips, "The thing is, I was born brilliant, born bad, and a little bit mad." And in this daring retelling, audiences are invited to witness the brilliance, the darkness, and the madness of one of Disney's most iconic characters.


"Cruella" takes viewers on a captivating journey through the vibrant and tumultuous world of 1970s London, where the origins of one of Disney's most iconic villains, Cruella de Vil, are explored in depth.

The story begins with Estella, a young and ambitious fashion enthusiast with a flair for the unconventional. Despite her talent and creativity, Estella struggles to fit in due to her rebellious nature and unique sense of style. Raised by her loving mother, Catherine, Estella dreams of becoming a renowned fashion designer and making a name for herself in the competitive world of haute couture.

However, tragedy strikes when Estella's mother is killed in a freak accident, leaving her orphaned and alone in the bustling streets of London. Determined to survive, Estella befriends a pair of street thieves, Jasper and Horace, and together they embark on a life of petty crime and mischief to make ends meet.

As the years pass, Estella's passion for fashion remains undiminished, and she lands a job as a lowly clerk at Liberty of London, a prestigious department store. But her dreams of success are reignited when she catches the attention of the enigmatic Baroness von Hellman, a renowned fashion designer with a ruthless reputation.

Under the Baroness's tutelage, Estella begins to climb the ranks of the fashion world, showcasing her talent and creativity with bold and avant-garde designs. However, she soon discovers dark secrets about her past and her connection to the Baroness, setting off a chain of events that will change her life forever.

As Estella embraces her darker side and adopts the persona of Cruella, a flamboyant and cunning alter ego, she sets out on a mission of revenge against the Baroness, determined to usurp her place as the reigning queen of fashion. Along the way, she forms unlikely alliances, confronts her own demons, and unleashes her full creative potential in a dazzling display of wit and audacity.

"Cruella" is a thrilling and visually stunning tale of ambition, betrayal, and redemption, showcasing the transformative power of self-expression and the indomitable spirit of a woman determined to defy the odds and forge her own destiny. With its stellar performances, lavish costumes, and toe-tapping soundtrack, the film is a must-see for fans of fashion, drama, and Disney magic alike.

As an avid fan of both Disney films and fashion, "Cruella" was a cinematic delight that exceeded my expectations on multiple fronts. From the captivating performances to the breathtaking visuals, the film left a lasting impression that lingered in my mind long after the credits rolled.First and foremost, Emma Stone's portrayal of both Estella and Cruella was nothing short of mesmerizing. She brought depth, complexity, and undeniable charisma to both characters, seamlessly transitioning between the meek innocence of Estella and the bold audacity of Cruella. Her performance was the heart and soul of the film, anchoring the narrative with emotional depth and authenticity.Moreover, the film's exploration of identity, ambition, and creativity struck a chord with me on a personal level. As someone who has grappled with questions of self-expression and individuality, I found Cruella's journey to be profoundly relatable. Her unwavering determination to defy societal norms and pursue her dreams resonated with my own struggles and aspirations, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself in the face of adversity.Visually, "Cruella" was a feast for the eyes, with its stunning cinematography, elaborate costumes, and meticulously crafted sets transporting viewers to the glamorous world of 1970s London. Each frame felt like a work of art, meticulously designed to capture the essence of the era while infusing it with a modern flair. The attention to detail was impeccable, from Cruella's avant-garde fashion creations to the opulent interiors of the Baroness's mansion.Beyond its aesthetic pleasures, "Cruella" also delivered a compelling narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. The dynamic between Cruella and the Baroness was particularly riveting, as their cat-and-mouse game unfolded against the backdrop of high-stakes fashion rivalry and personal vendettas.In conclusion, "Cruella" is a cinematic gem that defies expectations and offers a fresh take on a beloved Disney villain. With its stellar performances, thought-provoking themes, and sumptuous visuals, the film is a triumph of storytelling and a testament to the power of reinvention. It left me inspired, entertained, and eager to revisit its dazzling world again and again.

Cruella | Official Trailer

Cruella - Bad Romance

Cruella - Power

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