19 Jan 2024

Manta Network is a modular blockchain designed specifically for Zero-Knowledge applications. This network includes Manta Pacific, an L2 ecosystem ideal for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-based ZK applications and dApps looking to deliver low-cost, user-friendly experiences.
By leveraging ZK-as-a-Service and Celestia's data availability, Manta Network provides an ideal environment for ZK-enabled applications.
It was mainly developed to enable users to make cryptocurrency transactions more privately. This platform consists of two main networks:

  1. Manta Pacific: This network is used for Ethereum-based and advanced applications (dApps). Manta Pacific aims to solve problems with high transaction fees like in Ethereum, allowing users to make transactions at lower costs. In this way, developers and users can make more transactions by getting rid of the limitations in Ethereum.
  2. Manta Atlantic: It runs on Polkadot and is one of the fastest Zero-Knowledge blockchains on the market. This network provides users with private identities and credentials on web3, making cryptocurrency transactions more secure and private.

Using these two networks, Manta Network offers both speed and privacy in cryptocurrency transactions. In particular, it aims to create a new privacy standard in the cryptocurrency world by enabling users to make their transactions more privately and securely.

What is MANTA Coin?

MANTA Coin is the native utility and governance token of the Manta Network ecosystem. $MANTA, with a total supply of 1 billion units, is designed to support network security, pay network usage fees and be used in various transactions within the ecosystem. $MANTA tokens are used through locking and unlocking in the Celer liquidity pool, which bridges Manta Network's two main networks, Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic.

Manta Network reviews

Manta Network was created by experienced founders from prestigious institutions and has received investment from leading web3 investment funds such as Binance Labs and Polychain Capital. Manta Network aims to make significant contributions to the development of blockchain technology by offering low transaction fees and a suitable environment for ZK applications. Therefore, it is seen as an attractive platform, especially for those who want to develop privacy-focused applications and dApps.

MANTA Coin future

The future of the MANTA token is closely related to the growth and adaptation of the Manta Network within the ecosystem. The modular structure of the platform and the fact that it is based on ZK technology can increase the usage areas and value of $MANTA. However, the future value of $MANTA may vary depending on the state of the overall cryptocurrency market and the success of Manta Network within the ecosystem. It is important for investors to consider market trends, technological developments and their own risk tolerance when investing in such assets.

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