MY STORY - Chapter 1

28 Oct 2022

I saw myself in a thick dark forest, surrounded by lots of trees that were tall enough to reach
the sun and I heard a strange noise that sounds like that of wild animals around me. Then I felt a strange feeling that told me I was not alone then I ran into the deeper and darker parts of the forest then I found ……
Let me back up a little. My name is Emily Parker, and I come from a very far and distant land
where war was the order of the day. I come from a very long line of militants. I had a family which was full of brave soldier, who was part of the army. Our army was the greatest and the most respectable group of warriors in all the land. How I arrived at this part of the forest is still yet unknown l, but all I know is that I am trying to get away from the conflict between my town and the neighbouring town to a land of peace
The war between the Zeolites and the Palestinians started as an accident between a Zeolite and a Platinian which to led to the death of a platinian . Unknown to the Zeolite the Platinian was related to the king of platinum. Word got king of platinum that one of their own was killed by a Zeolite. Filled with rage, the king of the platinians made war against the Zeolites. The king of the Zeolites tried to negotiate peace but the king of the Platinians was not ready to listen to what the king of the Zeolites has to say. Having tried all possible means to make peace, decided to accept the war of the King. The war broke out which led to serious bloodshed and loss of lives and properties. And my parents being militants died as a result of the war.And I was left with my little brother Darius of 8 years old to carter for. And when the war got severe, I and my brother packed some of our belongings and fled out of our homeland to a place of peace. As hew were in the outer part of Zeolite we fled into the Annex forest in which people call THE SACRED FOREST which was prone to mystical creatures. I and my brother had no other route to follow than the Annex forest. As we were in the outer part of the forest my brother told me that he wanted to urinate. I asked to follow him but he declined my offer. So I let him go alone, while I was waiting I heard a voice which sounded as that of my brother screaming at the top of his
voice. I ran to see what happened then I saw my brother getting eaten by a snake that look like that of three black mambas put together. I got afraid and I ran into the inner parts of the forest, I was running as fast as I could and then I stumbled on a log of wood and hit my head on a small stone. Then I felt unconscious That was the last thing I remembered before I found myself in the thick dark forest. When I ran into the parts of the forest I found a man and little sister wandering around the forest. As I was approaching them, I heard a voice in my head that said “Can I trust them”. As I was approaching
them something happened...

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