Reinventing the Blockchain Landscape: bitsCrunch's Trailblazing Testnet Journey

30 Jan 2024

In an era where blockchain technology is rapidly evolving, bitsCrunch has emerged as a pivotal force, especially following the successful completion of their incentivized testnet. This significant event not only highlights technological prowess but also underlines the power of community-driven innovation in shaping the future of blockchain and NFTs.

The Stages of the Testnet:

bitsCrunch's testnet journey comprised four strategically designed tasks, each targeting different network aspects and community segments. This approach ensured comprehensive testing and engagement across the platform.
Early Operator Onboarding:

  • Initiated in May 2023, the first phase onboarded over 50 node operators, managing substantial Total Value Locked (TVL) and serving millions. These experts were crucial in closed-group testing, sharing 600K tokens as rewards.

Early Customer Onboarding:

  • Targeting 50 web3 startups, this phase mirrored the closed-group and allowlisted methodology of Task 1, emphasizing early engagement and reward structures.

Data Testing via

  • Marking the collaboration with CoinList, this phase introduced gamified community engagement from July to September 2023, distributing 3.2 million tokens among 3000 participants.

Network Functionality Testing:

  • The final phase, spanning from late 2023 to early 2024, intensified the testnet's scope. With a staggering 10.6 million tokens at stake, this phase focused on stress testing the network interface and contract, receiving massive community support.

Impressive Achievements:

The bitsCrunch incentivized testnet marked several achievements, reflective of the platform's scalability and the community's engagement:

  • Nearly 100,000 participants, with about 70,000 in Task 4 alone.
  • Processing over 550 million queries in just four weeks.
  • Involvement of over 75,000 testnet customers and 9,000 operators.
  • Submission of over 860,000+ contribution proposals.
  • Participation spanning 160+ countries across six continents.

Reflecting on the Impact:

The success of bitsCrunch's testnet transcends numbers. It's a testament to the dedication, commitment, and enthusiasm of each participant, contributing to the evolution of blockchain technology. The insights and experiences gained will be invaluable in refining bitsCrunch's future trajectory.

As bitsCrunch moves forward, the testnet's outcomes lay a robust foundation for the platform's growth. The enthusiastic participation of the global community assures a bright future, rich with innovation and collaboration. bitsCrunch is not just developing technology; it is cultivating a community poised to redefine the blockchain landscape.

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