I will finally let you go (part 1)

14 Nov 2022

These days, the first time we met, that moment still haunts me.
You were a celestial vision that I would never forget.

I kept an eye on you while wondering if you were genuine.
I figured You may just vanish if I just closed my eyes.

But I was aware that there was no way out.
My own soul was grabbed by your smile.
Your hesitant touch broke through my barriers.
My heart was pounding erratically.

A magnificent morning appears before your eyes.
which I was unable to escape.
Your smooth voice was the most romantic music I heard all day.

My love developed like a disease,
I was unable to change the situation.
I was certain of the only cure.
was to give you my life as a commitment.

Despite being helpless, I was ecstatic.
I was amazed by each new day.
And all I can think about is you,
I became a slave in a lovely environment.

You were a real struggle, though.
You did not readily give up.
I had to compete daily for your affection.
While you continuously played coy.

But I wouldn't give in to my plans for your heart, and once they came to fruition, we wouldn't ever be apart.

Our lives evolved into a priceless trek through both highs and lows.
We were a family of explorers and would go up against the world.

We can see our lives reflected in your face as you currently lie there sleeping.
Every crease and line is a testament to the love and courage you provided.

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